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SoundManager 2: JavaScript Sound for the Web


Copyright © 2007, Scott Schiller. All rights reserved. Code provided under the BSD License: http://schillmania.com/projects/soundmanager2/license.txt


/*global window, SM2_DEFER, sm2Debugger, console, document, navigator, setTimeout, setInterval, clearInterval, Audio */
/*jslint regexp: true, sloppy: true, white: true, nomen: true, plusplus: true */

About this file

This is the fully-commented source version of the SoundManager 2 API, recommended for use during development and testing.

See soundmanager2-nodebug-jsmin.js for an optimized build (~10KB with gzip.) http://schillmania.com/projects/soundmanager2/doc/getstarted/#basic-inclusion Alternately, serve this file with gzip for 75% compression savings (~30KB over HTTP.)

You may notice and comments in this source; these are delimiters for debug blocks which are removed in the -nodebug builds, further optimizing code size.

Also, as you may note: Whoa, reliable cross-platform/device audio support is hard! ;)

(function(window) {

var soundManager = null;

The SoundManager constructor.

@constructor @param {string} smURL Optional: Path to SWF files @param {string} smID Optional: The ID to use for the SWF container element @this {SoundManager} @return {SoundManager} The new SoundManager instance

function SoundManager(smURL, smID) {

Top-level configuration options

  this.flashVersion = 8;             // flash build to use (8 or 9.) Some API features require 9.
  this.debugMode = true;             // enable debugging output (console.log() with HTML fallback)
  this.debugFlash = false;           // enable debugging output inside SWF, troubleshoot Flash/browser issues
  this.useConsole = true;            // use console.log() if available (otherwise, writes to #soundmanager-debug element)
  this.consoleOnly = true;           // if console is being used, do not create/write to #soundmanager-debug
  this.waitForWindowLoad = false;    // force SM2 to wait for window.onload() before trying to call soundManager.onload()
  this.bgColor = '#ffffff';          // SWF background color. N/A when wmode = 'transparent'
  this.useHighPerformance = false;   // position:fixed flash movie can help increase js/flash speed, minimize lag
  this.flashPollingInterval = null;  // msec affecting whileplaying/loading callback frequency. If null, default of 50 msec is used.
  this.html5PollingInterval = null;  // msec affecting whileplaying() for HTML5 audio, excluding mobile devices. If null, native HTML5 update events are used.
  this.flashLoadTimeout = 1000;      // msec to wait for flash movie to load before failing (0 = infinity)
  this.wmode = null;                 // flash rendering mode - null, 'transparent', or 'opaque' (last two allow z-index to work)
  this.allowScriptAccess = 'always'; // for scripting the SWF (object/embed property), 'always' or 'sameDomain'
  this.useFlashBlock = false;        // *requires flashblock.css, see demos* - allow recovery from flash blockers. Wait indefinitely and apply timeout CSS to SWF, if applicable.
  this.useHTML5Audio = true;         // use HTML5 Audio() where API is supported (most Safari, Chrome versions), Firefox (no MP3/MP4.) Ideally, transparent vs. Flash API where possible.
  this.html5Test = /^(probably|maybe)$/i; // HTML5 Audio() format support test. Use /^probably$/i; if you want to be more conservative.
  this.preferFlash = true;           // overrides useHTML5audio. if true and flash support present, will try to use flash for MP3/MP4 as needed since HTML5 audio support is still quirky in browsers.
  this.noSWFCache = false;           // if true, appends ?ts={date} to break aggressive SWF caching.

  this.audioFormats = {

determines HTML5 support + flash requirements. if no support (via flash and/or HTML5) for a “required” format, SM2 will fail to start. flash fallback is used for MP3 or MP4 if HTML5 can’t play it (or if preferFlash = true) multiple MIME types may be tested while trying to get a positive canPlayType() response.

    'mp3': {
      'type': ['audio/mpeg; codecs="mp3"', 'audio/mpeg', 'audio/mp3', 'audio/MPA', 'audio/mpa-robust'],
      'required': true

    'mp4': {
      'related': ['aac','m4a'], // additional formats under the MP4 container
      'type': ['audio/mp4; codecs="mp4a.40.2"', 'audio/aac', 'audio/x-m4a', 'audio/MP4A-LATM', 'audio/mpeg4-generic'],
      'required': false

    'ogg': {
      'type': ['audio/ogg; codecs=vorbis'],
      'required': false

    'wav': {
      'type': ['audio/wav; codecs="1"', 'audio/wav', 'audio/wave', 'audio/x-wav'],
      'required': false


  this.defaultOptions = {

the default configuration for sound objects made with createSound() and related methods eg., volume, auto-load behaviour and so forth

    'autoLoad': false,        // enable automatic loading (otherwise .load() will be called on demand with .play(), the latter being nicer on bandwidth - if you want to .load yourself, you also can)
    'autoPlay': false,        // enable playing of file as soon as possible (much faster if "stream" is true)
    'from': null,             // position to start playback within a sound (msec), default = beginning
    'loops': 1,               // how many times to repeat the sound (position will wrap around to 0, setPosition() will break out of loop when >0)
    'onid3': null,            // callback function for "ID3 data is added/available"
    'onload': null,           // callback function for "load finished"
    'whileloading': null,     // callback function for "download progress update" (X of Y bytes received)
    'onplay': null,           // callback for "play" start
    'onpause': null,          // callback for "pause"
    'onresume': null,         // callback for "resume" (pause toggle)
    'whileplaying': null,     // callback during play (position update)
    'onposition': null,       // object containing times and function callbacks for positions of interest
    'onstop': null,           // callback for "user stop"
    'onfailure': null,        // callback function for when playing fails
    'onfinish': null,         // callback function for "sound finished playing"
    'multiShot': true,        // let sounds "restart" or layer on top of each other when played multiple times, rather than one-shot/one at a time
    'multiShotEvents': false, // fire multiple sound events (currently onfinish() only) when multiShot is enabled
    'position': null,         // offset (milliseconds) to seek to within loaded sound data.
    'pan': 0,                 // "pan" settings, left-to-right, -100 to 100
    'stream': true,           // allows playing before entire file has loaded (recommended)
    'to': null,               // position to end playback within a sound (msec), default = end
    'type': null,             // MIME-like hint for file pattern / canPlay() tests, eg. audio/mp3
    'usePolicyFile': false,   // enable crossdomain.xml request for audio on remote domains (for ID3/waveform access)
    'volume': 100             // self-explanatory. 0-100, the latter being the max.


  this.flash9Options = {

flash 9-only options, merged into defaultOptions if flash 9 is being used

    'isMovieStar': null,      // "MovieStar" MPEG4 audio mode. Null (default) = auto detect MP4, AAC etc. based on URL. true = force on, ignore URL
    'usePeakData': false,     // enable left/right channel peak (level) data
    'useWaveformData': false, // enable sound spectrum (raw waveform data) - NOTE: May increase CPU load.
    'useEQData': false,       // enable sound EQ (frequency spectrum data) - NOTE: May increase CPU load.
    'onbufferchange': null,   // callback for "isBuffering" property change
    'ondataerror': null       // callback for waveform/eq data access error (flash playing audio in other tabs/domains)


  this.movieStarOptions = {

flash 9.0r115+ MPEG4 audio options, merged into defaultOptions if flash 9+movieStar mode is enabled

    'bufferTime': 3,          // seconds of data to buffer before playback begins (null = flash default of 0.1 seconds - if AAC playback is gappy, try increasing.)
    'serverURL': null,        // rtmp: FMS or FMIS server to connect to, required when requesting media via RTMP or one of its variants
    'onconnect': null,        // rtmp: callback for connection to flash media server
    'duration': null          // rtmp: song duration (msec)


HTML attributes (id + class names) for the SWF container

  this.movieID = 'sm2-container';
  this.id = (smID || 'sm2movie');

  this.debugID = 'soundmanager-debug';
  this.debugURLParam = /([#?&])debug=1/i;

dynamic attributes

  this.versionNumber = 'V2.97a.20120318';
  this.version = null;
  this.movieURL = null;
  this.url = (smURL || null);
  this.altURL = null;
  this.swfLoaded = false;
  this.enabled = false;
  this.oMC = null;
  this.sounds = {};
  this.soundIDs = [];
  this.muted = false;
  this.didFlashBlock = false;
  this.filePattern = null;

  this.filePatterns = {

    'flash8': /\.mp3(\?.*)?$/i,
    'flash9': /\.mp3(\?.*)?$/i


support indicators, set at init

  this.features = {

    'buffering': false,
    'peakData': false,
    'waveformData': false,
    'eqData': false,
    'movieStar': false


flash sandbox info, used primarily in troubleshooting

  this.sandbox = {

    'type': null,
    'types': {
      'remote': 'remote (domain-based) rules',
      'localWithFile': 'local with file access (no internet access)',
      'localWithNetwork': 'local with network (internet access only, no local access)',
      'localTrusted': 'local, trusted (local+internet access)'
    'description': null,
    'noRemote': null,
    'noLocal': null


basic HTML5 Audio() support test try…catch because of IE 9 “not implemented” nonsense https://github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/224

  this.hasHTML5 = (function() {
    try {
      return (typeof Audio !== 'undefined' && typeof new Audio().canPlayType !== 'undefined');
    } catch(e) {
      return false;

format support (html5/flash) stores canPlayType() results based on audioFormats. eg. { mp3: boolean, mp4: boolean } treat as read-only.

  this.html5 = {
    'usingFlash': null // set if/when flash fallback is needed

  this.flash = {}; // file type support hash

  this.html5Only = false;   // determined at init time
  this.ignoreFlash = false; // used for special cases (eg. iPad/iPhone/palm OS?)

a few private internals (OK, a lot. :D)

  var SMSound,
  _s = this, _flash = null, _sm = 'soundManager', _smc = _sm+'::', _h5 = 'HTML5::', _id, _ua = navigator.userAgent, _win = window, _wl = _win.location.href.toString(), _doc = document, _doNothing, _init, _fV, _on_queue = [], _debugOpen = true, _debugTS, _didAppend = false, _appendSuccess = false, _didInit = false, _disabled = false, _windowLoaded = false, _wDS, _wdCount = 0, _initComplete, _mixin, _addOnEvent, _processOnEvents, _initUserOnload, _delayWaitForEI, _waitForEI, _setVersionInfo, _handleFocus, _strings, _initMovie, _domContentLoaded, _winOnLoad, _didDCLoaded, _getDocument, _createMovie, _catchError, _setPolling, _initDebug, _debugLevels = ['log', 'info', 'warn', 'error'], _defaultFlashVersion = 8, _disableObject, _failSafely, _normalizeMovieURL, _oRemoved = null, _oRemovedHTML = null, _str, _flashBlockHandler, _getSWFCSS, _swfCSS, _toggleDebug, _loopFix, _policyFix, _complain, _idCheck, _waitingForEI = false, _initPending = false, _startTimer, _stopTimer, _timerExecute, _h5TimerCount = 0, _h5IntervalTimer = null, _parseURL,
  _needsFlash = null, _featureCheck, _html5OK, _html5CanPlay, _html5Ext, _html5Unload, _domContentLoadedIE, _testHTML5, _event, _slice = Array.prototype.slice, _useGlobalHTML5Audio = false, _hasFlash, _detectFlash, _badSafariFix, _html5_events, _showSupport,
  _is_iDevice = _ua.match(/(ipad|iphone|ipod)/i), _is_firefox = _ua.match(/firefox/i), _is_android = _ua.match(/droid/i), _isIE = _ua.match(/msie/i), _isWebkit = _ua.match(/webkit/i), _isSafari = (_ua.match(/safari/i) && !_ua.match(/chrome/i)), _isOpera = (_ua.match(/opera/i)), 
  _likesHTML5 = (_ua.match(/(mobile|pre\/|xoom)/i) || _is_iDevice),
  _isBadSafari = (!_wl.match(/usehtml5audio/i) && !_wl.match(/sm2\-ignorebadua/i) && _isSafari && !_ua.match(/silk/i) && _ua.match(/OS X 10_6_([3-7])/i)), // Safari 4 and 5 (excluding Kindle Fire, "Silk") occasionally fail to load/play HTML5 audio on Snow Leopard 10.6.3 through 10.6.7 due to bug(s) in QuickTime X and/or other underlying frameworks. :/ Confirmed bug. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32159
  _hasConsole = (typeof console !== 'undefined' && typeof console.log !== 'undefined'), _isFocused = (typeof _doc.hasFocus !== 'undefined'?_doc.hasFocus():null), _tryInitOnFocus = (_isSafari && typeof _doc.hasFocus === 'undefined'), _okToDisable = !_tryInitOnFocus, _flashMIME = /(mp3|mp4|mpa)/i,
  _emptyURL = 'about:blank', // safe URL to unload, or load nothing from (flash 8 + most HTML5 UAs)
  _overHTTP = (_doc.location?_doc.location.protocol.match(/http/i):null),
  _http = (!_overHTTP ? 'http:/'+'/' : ''),

mp3, mp4, aac etc.

  _netStreamMimeTypes = /^\s*audio\/(?:x-)?(?:mpeg4|aac|flv|mov|mp4||m4v|m4a|mp4v|3gp|3g2)\s*(?:$|;)/i,

Flash v9.0r115+ “moviestar” formats

  _netStreamTypes = ['mpeg4', 'aac', 'flv', 'mov', 'mp4', 'm4v', 'f4v', 'm4a', 'mp4v', '3gp', '3g2'],
  _netStreamPattern = new RegExp('\\.(' + _netStreamTypes.join('|') + ')(\\?.*)?$', 'i');

  this.mimePattern = /^\s*audio\/(?:x-)?(?:mp(?:eg|3))\s*(?:$|;)/i; // default mp3 set

use altURL if not “online”

  this.useAltURL = !_overHTTP;
  this._global_a = null;

  _swfCSS = {

    'swfBox': 'sm2-object-box',
    'swfDefault': 'movieContainer',
    'swfError': 'swf_error', // SWF loaded, but SM2 couldn't start (other error)
    'swfTimedout': 'swf_timedout',
    'swfLoaded': 'swf_loaded',
    'swfUnblocked': 'swf_unblocked', // or loaded OK
    'sm2Debug': 'sm2_debug',
    'highPerf': 'high_performance',
    'flashDebug': 'flash_debug'


  if (_likesHTML5) {

prefer HTML5 for mobile + tablet-like devices, probably more reliable vs. flash at this point.

    _s.useHTML5Audio = true;
    _s.preferFlash = false;

    if (_is_iDevice) {

by default, use global feature. iOS onfinish() –> next may fail otherwise.

      _s.ignoreFlash = true;
      _useGlobalHTML5Audio = true;


Public SoundManager API

  this.ok = function() {

    return (_needsFlash?(_didInit && !_disabled):(_s.useHTML5Audio && _s.hasHTML5));


  this.supported = this.ok; // legacy

  this.getMovie = function(smID) {

safety net: some old browsers differ on SWF references, possibly related to ExternalInterface / flash version

    return _id(smID) || _doc[smID] || _win[smID];


Creates a SMSound sound object instance.

@param {object} oOptions Sound options (at minimum, id and url are required.) @return {object} SMSound The new SMSound object.

  this.createSound = function(oOptions) {

    var _cs, _cs_string,
    thisOptions = null, oSound = null, _tO = null;

    _cs = _sm+'.createSound(): ';
    _cs_string = _cs + _str(!_didInit?'notReady':'notOK');

    if (!_didInit || !_s.ok()) {
      return false;

    if (arguments.length === 2) {

function overloading in JS! :) ..assume simple createSound(id,url) use case

      oOptions = {
        'id': arguments[0],
        'url': arguments[1]

inherit from defaultOptions

    thisOptions = _mixin(oOptions);

    thisOptions.url = _parseURL(thisOptions.url);

local shortcut

    _tO = thisOptions;

    if (_tO.id.toString().charAt(0).match(/^[0-9]$/)) {
      _s._wD(_cs + _str('badID', _tO.id), 2);

    _s._wD(_cs + _tO.id + ' (' + _tO.url + ')', 1);

    if (_idCheck(_tO.id, true)) {
      _s._wD(_cs + _tO.id + ' exists', 1);
      return _s.sounds[_tO.id];

    function make() {

      thisOptions = _loopFix(thisOptions);
      _s.sounds[_tO.id] = new SMSound(_tO);
      return _s.sounds[_tO.id];


    if (_html5OK(_tO)) {

      oSound = make();
      _s._wD('Loading sound '+_tO.id+' via HTML5');

    } else {

      if (_fV > 8) {
        if (_tO.isMovieStar === null) {

attempt to detect MPEG-4 formats

          _tO.isMovieStar = (_tO.serverURL || (_tO.type ? _tO.type.match(_netStreamMimeTypes) : false) || _tO.url.match(_netStreamPattern));

        if (_tO.isMovieStar) {
          _s._wD(_cs + 'using MovieStar handling');

        if (_tO.isMovieStar) {
          if (_tO.usePeakData) {
            _tO.usePeakData = false;

          if (_tO.loops > 1) {


      _tO = _policyFix(_tO, _cs);
      oSound = make();

      if (_fV === 8) {
        _flash._createSound(_tO.id, _tO.loops||1, _tO.usePolicyFile);
      } else {
        _flash._createSound(_tO.id, _tO.url, _tO.usePeakData, _tO.useWaveformData, _tO.useEQData, _tO.isMovieStar, (_tO.isMovieStar?_tO.bufferTime:false), _tO.loops||1, _tO.serverURL, _tO.duration||null, _tO.autoPlay, true, _tO.autoLoad, _tO.usePolicyFile);
        if (!_tO.serverURL) {

We are connected immediately

          oSound.connected = true;
          if (_tO.onconnect) {

      if (!_tO.serverURL && (_tO.autoLoad || _tO.autoPlay)) {

call load for non-rtmp streams



rtmp will play in onconnect

    if (!_tO.serverURL && _tO.autoPlay) {

    return oSound;


Destroys a SMSound sound object instance.

@param {string} sID The ID of the sound to destroy

  this.destroySound = function(sID, _bFromSound) {

explicitly destroy a sound before normal page unload, etc.

    if (!_idCheck(sID)) {
      return false;

    var oS = _s.sounds[sID], i;

Disable all callbacks while the sound is being destroyed

    oS._iO = {};


    for (i = 0; i < _s.soundIDs.length; i++) {
      if (_s.soundIDs[i] === sID) {
        _s.soundIDs.splice(i, 1);

    if (!_bFromSound) {

ignore if being called from SMSound instance


    oS = null;
    delete _s.sounds[sID];

    return true;


Calls the load() method of a SMSound object by ID.

@param {string} sID The ID of the sound @param {object} oOptions Optional: Sound options

  this.load = function(sID, oOptions) {

    if (!_idCheck(sID)) {
      return false;
    return _s.sounds[sID].load(oOptions);


Calls the unload() method of a SMSound object by ID.

@param {string} sID The ID of the sound

  this.unload = function(sID) {

    if (!_idCheck(sID)) {
      return false;
    return _s.sounds[sID].unload();


Calls the onPosition() method of a SMSound object by ID.

@param {string} sID The ID of the sound @param {number} nPosition The position to watch for @param {function} oMethod The relevant callback to fire @param {object} oScope Optional: The scope to apply the callback to @return {SMSound} The SMSound object

  this.onPosition = function(sID, nPosition, oMethod, oScope) {

    if (!_idCheck(sID)) {
      return false;
    return _s.sounds[sID].onposition(nPosition, oMethod, oScope);


legacy/backwards-compability: lower-case method name

  this.onposition = this.onPosition;

Calls the clearOnPosition() method of a SMSound object by ID.

@param {string} sID The ID of the sound @param {number} nPosition The position to watch for @param {function} oMethod Optional: The relevant callback to fire @return {SMSound} The SMSound object

  this.clearOnPosition = function(sID, nPosition, oMethod) {

    if (!_idCheck(sID)) {
      return false;
    return _s.sounds[sID].clearOnPosition(nPosition, oMethod);


Calls the play() method of a SMSound object by ID.

@param {string} sID The ID of the sound @param {object} oOptions Optional: Sound options @return {SMSound} The SMSound object

  this.play = function(sID, oOptions) {

    if (!_didInit || !_s.ok()) {
      _complain(_sm+'.play(): ' + _str(!_didInit?'notReady':'notOK'));
      return false;

    if (!_idCheck(sID)) {
      if (!(oOptions instanceof Object)) {

overloading use case: play(‘mySound’,‘/path/to/some.mp3’);

        oOptions = {
          url: oOptions
      if (oOptions && oOptions.url) {

overloading use case, create+play: .play(‘someID’,{url:‘/path/to.mp3’});

        _s._wD(_sm+'.play(): attempting to create "' + sID + '"', 1);
        oOptions.id = sID;
        return _s.createSound(oOptions).play();
      } else {
        return false;

    return _s.sounds[sID].play(oOptions);


  this.start = this.play; // just for convenience

Calls the setPosition() method of a SMSound object by ID.

@param {string} sID The ID of the sound @param {number} nMsecOffset Position (milliseconds) @return {SMSound} The SMSound object

  this.setPosition = function(sID, nMsecOffset) {

    if (!_idCheck(sID)) {
      return false;
    return _s.sounds[sID].setPosition(nMsecOffset);


Calls the stop() method of a SMSound object by ID.

@param {string} sID The ID of the sound @return {SMSound} The SMSound object

  this.stop = function(sID) {

    if (!_idCheck(sID)) {
      return false;

    _s._wD(_sm+'.stop(' + sID + ')', 1);
    return _s.sounds[sID].stop();


Stops all currently-playing sounds.

  this.stopAll = function() {

    var oSound;
    _s._wD(_sm+'.stopAll()', 1);

    for (oSound in _s.sounds) {
      if (_s.sounds.hasOwnProperty(oSound)) {

apply only to sound objects



Calls the pause() method of a SMSound object by ID.

@param {string} sID The ID of the sound @return {SMSound} The SMSound object

  this.pause = function(sID) {

    if (!_idCheck(sID)) {
      return false;
    return _s.sounds[sID].pause();


Pauses all currently-playing sounds.

  this.pauseAll = function() {

    var i;
    for (i = _s.soundIDs.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {


Calls the resume() method of a SMSound object by ID.

@param {string} sID The ID of the sound @return {SMSound} The SMSound object

  this.resume = function(sID) {

    if (!_idCheck(sID)) {
      return false;
    return _s.sounds[sID].resume();


Resumes all currently-paused sounds.

  this.resumeAll = function() {

    var i;
    for (i = _s.soundIDs.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {


Calls the togglePause() method of a SMSound object by ID.

@param {string} sID The ID of the sound @return {SMSound} The SMSound object

  this.togglePause = function(sID) {

    if (!_idCheck(sID)) {
      return false;
    return _s.sounds[sID].togglePause();


Calls the setPan() method of a SMSound object by ID.

@param {string} sID The ID of the sound @param {number} nPan The pan value (-100 to 100) @return {SMSound} The SMSound object

  this.setPan = function(sID, nPan) {

    if (!_idCheck(sID)) {
      return false;
    return _s.sounds[sID].setPan(nPan);


Calls the setVolume() method of a SMSound object by ID.

@param {string} sID The ID of the sound @param {number} nVol The volume value (0 to 100) @return {SMSound} The SMSound object

  this.setVolume = function(sID, nVol) {

    if (!_idCheck(sID)) {
      return false;
    return _s.sounds[sID].setVolume(nVol);


Calls the mute() method of either a single SMSound object by ID, or all sound objects.

@param {string} sID Optional: The ID of the sound (if omitted, all sounds will be used.)

  this.mute = function(sID) {

    var i = 0;

    if (typeof sID !== 'string') {
      sID = null;

    if (!sID) {
      _s._wD(_sm+'.mute(): Muting all sounds');
      for (i = _s.soundIDs.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
      _s.muted = true;
    } else {
      if (!_idCheck(sID)) {
        return false;
      _s._wD(_sm+'.mute(): Muting "' + sID + '"');
      return _s.sounds[sID].mute();

    return true;


Mutes all sounds.

  this.muteAll = function() {



Calls the unmute() method of either a single SMSound object by ID, or all sound objects.

@param {string} sID Optional: The ID of the sound (if omitted, all sounds will be used.)

  this.unmute = function(sID) {

    var i;

    if (typeof sID !== 'string') {
      sID = null;

    if (!sID) {

      _s._wD(_sm+'.unmute(): Unmuting all sounds');
      for (i = _s.soundIDs.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
      _s.muted = false;

    } else {

      if (!_idCheck(sID)) {
        return false;
      _s._wD(_sm+'.unmute(): Unmuting "' + sID + '"');
      return _s.sounds[sID].unmute();


    return true;


Unmutes all sounds.

  this.unmuteAll = function() {



Calls the toggleMute() method of a SMSound object by ID.

@param {string} sID The ID of the sound @return {SMSound} The SMSound object

  this.toggleMute = function(sID) {

    if (!_idCheck(sID)) {
      return false;
    return _s.sounds[sID].toggleMute();


Retrieves the memory used by the flash plugin.

@return {number} The amount of memory in use

  this.getMemoryUse = function() {


    var ram = 0;

    if (_flash && _fV !== 8) {
      ram = parseInt(_flash._getMemoryUse(), 10);

    return ram;


Undocumented: NOPs soundManager and all SMSound objects.

  this.disable = function(bNoDisable) {

destroy all functions

    var i;

    if (typeof bNoDisable === 'undefined') {
      bNoDisable = false;

    if (_disabled) {
      return false;

    _disabled = true;
    _wDS('shutdown', 1);

    for (i = _s.soundIDs.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {

fire “complete”, despite fail

    _event.remove(_win, 'load', _initUserOnload);

    return true;


Determines playability of a MIME type, eg. ‘audio/mp3’.

  this.canPlayMIME = function(sMIME) {

    var result;

    if (_s.hasHTML5) {
      result = _html5CanPlay({type:sMIME});

    if (!_needsFlash || result) {

no flash, or OK

      return result;
    } else {

if flash 9, test netStream (movieStar) types as well.

      return (sMIME && _s.ok() ? !!((_fV > 8 ? sMIME.match(_netStreamMimeTypes) : null) || sMIME.match(_s.mimePattern)) : null);


Determines playability of a URL based on audio support.

@param {string} sURL The URL to test @return {boolean} URL playability

  this.canPlayURL = function(sURL) {

    var result;

    if (_s.hasHTML5) {
      result = _html5CanPlay({url: sURL});

    if (!_needsFlash || result) {

no flash, or OK

      return result;
    } else {
      return (sURL && _s.ok() ? !!(sURL.match(_s.filePattern)) : null);


Determines playability of an HTML DOM <a> object (or similar object literal) based on audio support.

@param {object} oLink an HTML DOM <a> object or object literal including href and/or type attributes @return {boolean} URL playability

  this.canPlayLink = function(oLink) {

    if (typeof oLink.type !== 'undefined' && oLink.type) {
      if (_s.canPlayMIME(oLink.type)) {
        return true;

    return _s.canPlayURL(oLink.href);


Retrieves a SMSound object by ID.

@param {string} sID The ID of the sound @return {SMSound} The SMSound object

  this.getSoundById = function(sID, _suppressDebug) {

    if (!sID) {
      throw new Error(_sm+'.getSoundById(): sID is null/undefined');

    var result = _s.sounds[sID];

    if (!result && !_suppressDebug) {
      _s._wD('"' + sID + '" is an invalid sound ID.', 2);

    return result;


Queues a callback for execution when SoundManager has successfully initialized.

@param {function} oMethod The callback method to fire @param {object} oScope Optional: The scope to apply to the callback

  this.onready = function(oMethod, oScope) {

    var sType = 'onready';

    if (oMethod && oMethod instanceof Function) {

      if (_didInit) {
        _s._wD(_str('queue', sType));

      if (!oScope) {
        oScope = _win;

      _addOnEvent(sType, oMethod, oScope);

      return true;

    } else {

      throw _str('needFunction', sType);



Queues a callback for execution when SoundManager has failed to initialize.

@param {function} oMethod The callback method to fire @param {object} oScope Optional: The scope to apply to the callback

  this.ontimeout = function(oMethod, oScope) {

    var sType = 'ontimeout';

    if (oMethod && oMethod instanceof Function) {

      if (_didInit) {
        _s._wD(_str('queue', sType));

      if (!oScope) {
        oScope = _win;

      _addOnEvent(sType, oMethod, oScope);

      return true;

    } else {

      throw _str('needFunction', sType);



Writes console.log()-style debug output to a console or in-browser element. Applies when SoundManager.debugMode = true

@param {string} sText The console message @param {string} sType Optional: Log type of ‘info’, ‘warn’ or ‘error’ @param {object} Optional: The scope to apply to the callback

  this._writeDebug = function(sText, sType, _bTimestamp) {

pseudo-private console.log()-style output

    var sDID = 'soundmanager-debug', o, oItem, sMethod;

    if (!_s.debugMode) {
      return false;

    if (typeof _bTimestamp !== 'undefined' && _bTimestamp) {
      sText = sText + ' | ' + new Date().getTime();

    if (_hasConsole && _s.useConsole) {
      sMethod = _debugLevels[sType];
      if (typeof console[sMethod] !== 'undefined') {
      } else {
      if (_s.consoleOnly) {
        return true;

    try {

      o = _id(sDID);

      if (!o) {
        return false;

      oItem = _doc.createElement('div');

      if (++_wdCount % 2 === 0) {
        oItem.className = 'sm2-alt';

      if (typeof sType === 'undefined') {
        sType = 0;
      } else {
        sType = parseInt(sType, 10);


      if (sType) {
        if (sType >= 2) {
          oItem.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
        if (sType === 3) {
          oItem.style.color = '#ff3333';

top-to-bottom o.appendChild(oItem);


      o.insertBefore(oItem, o.firstChild);

    } catch(e) {

oh well


    o = null;

    return true;



  this._wD = this._writeDebug;

Provides debug / state information on all SMSound objects.

  this._debug = function() {

    var i, j;
    _wDS('currentObj', 1);

    for (i = 0, j = _s.soundIDs.length; i < j; i++) {


Restarts and re-initializes the SoundManager instance.

  this.reboot = function() {

attempt to reset and init SM2


    if (_s.soundIDs.length) {
      _s._wD('Destroying ' + _s.soundIDs.length + ' SMSound objects...');

    var i, j;

    for (i = _s.soundIDs.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {

trash ze flash

    try {
      if (_isIE) {
        _oRemovedHTML = _flash.innerHTML;
      _oRemoved = _flash.parentNode.removeChild(_flash);
      _s._wD('Flash movie removed.');
    } catch(e) {


      _wDS('badRemove', 2);

actually, force recreate of movie.

    _oRemovedHTML = _oRemoved = _needsFlash = null;

    _s.enabled = _didDCLoaded = _didInit = _waitingForEI = _initPending = _didAppend = _appendSuccess = _disabled = _s.swfLoaded = false;
    _s.soundIDs = [];
    _s.sounds = {};
    _flash = null;

    for (i in _on_queue) {
      if (_on_queue.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
        for (j = _on_queue[i].length-1; j >= 0; j--) {
          _on_queue[i][j].fired = false;

    _s._wD(_sm + ': Rebooting...');
    _win.setTimeout(_s.beginDelayedInit, 20);


Undocumented: Determines the SM2 flash movie’s load progress.

@return {number or null} Percent loaded, or if invalid/unsupported, null.

  this.getMoviePercent = function() {

    return (_flash && typeof _flash.PercentLoaded !== 'undefined' ? _flash.PercentLoaded() : null);


Additional helper for manually invoking SM2’s init process after DOM Ready / window.onload().

  this.beginDelayedInit = function() {

    _windowLoaded = true;

    setTimeout(function() {

      if (_initPending) {
        return false;

      _initPending = true;

      return true;

    }, 20);



Destroys the SoundManager instance and all SMSound instances.

  this.destruct = function() {



SMSound() (sound object) constructor

@param {object} oOptions Sound options (id and url are required attributes) @return {SMSound} The new SMSound object

  SMSound = function(oOptions) {

    var _t = this, _resetProperties, _add_html5_events, _remove_html5_events, _stop_html5_timer, _start_html5_timer, _attachOnPosition, _onplay_called = false, _onPositionItems = [], _onPositionFired = 0, _detachOnPosition, _applyFromTo, _lastURL = null, _lastHTML5State;

    _lastHTML5State = {

tracks duration + position (time)

      duration: null,
      time: null

    this.sID = oOptions.id;
    this.url = oOptions.url;
    this.options = _mixin(oOptions);

per-play-instance-specific options

    this.instanceOptions = this.options;

short alias

    this._iO = this.instanceOptions;

assign property defaults

    this.pan = this.options.pan;
    this.volume = this.options.volume;
    this.isHTML5 = false;
    this._a = null;

SMSound() public methods

    this.id3 = {};

Writes SMSound object parameters to debug console

    this._debug = function() {

pseudo-private console.log()-style output

      if (_s.debugMode) {

        var stuff = null, msg = [], sF, sfBracket, maxLength = 64;

        for (stuff in _t.options) {
          if (_t.options[stuff] !== null) {
            if (_t.options[stuff] instanceof Function) {

handle functions specially

              sF = _t.options[stuff].toString();

normalize spaces

              sF = sF.replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ');
              sfBracket = sF.indexOf('{');
              msg.push(' ' + stuff + ': {' + sF.substr(sfBracket + 1, (Math.min(Math.max(sF.indexOf('\n') - 1, maxLength), maxLength))).replace(/\n/g, '') + '... }');
            } else {
              msg.push(' ' + stuff + ': ' + _t.options[stuff]);

        _s._wD('SMSound() merged options: {\n' + msg.join(', \n') + '\n}');




Begins loading a sound per its url.

@param {object} oOptions Optional: Sound options @return {SMSound} The SMSound object

    this.load = function(oOptions) {

      var oS = null, _iO;

      if (typeof oOptions !== 'undefined') {
        _t._iO = _mixin(oOptions, _t.options);
        _t.instanceOptions = _t._iO;
      } else {
        oOptions = _t.options;
        _t._iO = oOptions;
        _t.instanceOptions = _t._iO;
        if (_lastURL && _lastURL !== _t.url) {
          _t._iO.url = _t.url;
          _t.url = null;

      if (!_t._iO.url) {
        _t._iO.url = _t.url;

      _t._iO.url = _parseURL(_t._iO.url);

      _s._wD('SMSound.load(): ' + _t._iO.url, 1);

      if (_t._iO.url === _t.url && _t.readyState !== 0 && _t.readyState !== 2) {
        _wDS('onURL', 1);

if loaded and an onload() exists, fire immediately.

        if (_t.readyState === 3 && _t._iO.onload) {

assume success based on truthy duration.

          _t._iO.onload.apply(_t, [(!!_t.duration)]);
        return _t;

local shortcut

      _iO = _t._iO;

      _lastURL = _t.url;
      _t.loaded = false;
      _t.readyState = 1;
      _t.playState = 0;

TODO: If switching from HTML5 –> flash (or vice versa), stop currently-playing audio.

      if (_html5OK(_iO)) {

        oS = _t._setup_html5(_iO);

        if (!oS._called_load) {

          _s._wD(_h5+'load: '+_t.sID);
          _t._html5_canplay = false;

given explicit load call, try to get whole file. early HTML5 implementation (non-standard)

          _t._a.autobuffer = 'auto';


          _t._a.preload = 'auto';

          oS._called_load = true;

          if (_iO.autoPlay) {

        } else {
          _s._wD(_h5+'ignoring request to load again: '+_t.sID);

      } else {

        try {
          _t.isHTML5 = false;
          _t._iO = _policyFix(_loopFix(_iO));

re-assign local shortcut

          _iO = _t._iO;
          if (_fV === 8) {
            _flash._load(_t.sID, _iO.url, _iO.stream, _iO.autoPlay, (_iO.whileloading?1:0), _iO.loops||1, _iO.usePolicyFile);
          } else {
            _flash._load(_t.sID, _iO.url, !!(_iO.stream), !!(_iO.autoPlay), _iO.loops||1, !!(_iO.autoLoad), _iO.usePolicyFile);
        } catch(e) {
          _wDS('smError', 2);
          _debugTS('onload', false);
          _catchError({type:'SMSOUND_LOAD_JS_EXCEPTION', fatal:true});



      return _t;


Unloads a sound, canceling any open HTTP requests.

@return {SMSound} The SMSound object

    this.unload = function() {

Flash 8/AS2 can’t “close” a stream – fake it by loading an empty URL Flash 9/AS3: Close stream, preventing further load HTML5: Most UAs will use empty URL

      if (_t.readyState !== 0) {

        _s._wD('SMSound.unload(): "' + _t.sID + '"');

        if (!_t.isHTML5) {
          if (_fV === 8) {
            _flash._unload(_t.sID, _emptyURL);
          } else {
        } else {
          if (_t._a) {

reset load/status flags



      return _t;


Unloads and destroys a sound.

    this.destruct = function(_bFromSM) {

      _s._wD('SMSound.destruct(): "' + _t.sID + '"');

      if (!_t.isHTML5) {

kill sound within Flash Disable the onfailure handler

        _t._iO.onfailure = null;

      } else {


        if (_t._a) {
          if (!_useGlobalHTML5Audio) {

break obvious circular reference

          _t._a._t = null;
          _t._a = null;


      if (!_bFromSM) {

ensure deletion from controller

        _s.destroySound(_t.sID, true);



Begins playing a sound.

@param {object} oOptions Optional: Sound options @return {SMSound} The SMSound object

    this.play = function(oOptions, _updatePlayState) {

      var fN, allowMulti, a, onready;

      fN = 'SMSound.play(): ';

      _updatePlayState = _updatePlayState === undefined ? true : _updatePlayState; // default to true

      if (!oOptions) {
        oOptions = {};

      _t._iO = _mixin(oOptions, _t._iO);
      _t._iO = _mixin(_t._iO, _t.options);
      _t._iO.url = _parseURL(_t._iO.url);
      _t.instanceOptions = _t._iO;


      if (_t._iO.serverURL && !_t.connected) {
        if (!_t.getAutoPlay()) {
          _s._wD(fN+' Netstream not connected yet - setting autoPlay');

play will be called in _onconnect()

        return _t;

      if (_html5OK(_t._iO)) {

      if (_t.playState === 1 && !_t.paused) {
        allowMulti = _t._iO.multiShot;
        if (!allowMulti) {
          _s._wD(fN + '"' + _t.sID + '" already playing (one-shot)', 1);
          return _t;
        } else {
          _s._wD(fN + '"' + _t.sID + '" already playing (multi-shot)', 1);

      if (!_t.loaded) {

        if (_t.readyState === 0) {

          _s._wD(fN + 'Attempting to load "' + _t.sID + '"', 1);

try to get this sound playing ASAP

          if (!_t.isHTML5) {

assign directly because setAutoPlay() increments the instanceCount

            _t._iO.autoPlay = true;


        } else if (_t.readyState === 2) {

          _s._wD(fN + 'Could not load "' + _t.sID + '" - exiting', 2);
          return _t;

        } else {

          _s._wD(fN + '"' + _t.sID + '" is loading - attempting to play..', 1);


      } else {

        _s._wD(fN + '"' + _t.sID + '"');


      if (!_t.isHTML5 && _fV === 9 && _t.position > 0 && _t.position === _t.duration) {

flash 9 needs a position reset if play() is called while at the end of a sound.

        _s._wD(fN + '"' + _t.sID + '": Sound at end, resetting to position:0');
        oOptions.position = 0;

Streams will pause when their buffer is full if they are being loaded. In this case paused is true, but the song hasn’t started playing yet. If we just call resume() the onplay() callback will never be called. So only call resume() if the position is > 0. Another reason is because options like volume won’t have been applied yet.

      if (_t.paused && _t.position && _t.position > 0) {


        _s._wD(fN + '"' + _t.sID + '" is resuming from paused state',1);

      } else {

        _t._iO = _mixin(oOptions, _t._iO);

apply from/to parameters, if they exist (and not using RTMP)

        if (_t._iO.from !== null && _t._iO.to !== null && _t.instanceCount === 0 && _t.playState === 0 && !_t._iO.serverURL) {

          onready = function() {

sound “canplay” or onload() re-apply from/to to instance options, and start playback

            _t._iO = _mixin(oOptions, _t._iO);

HTML5 needs to at least have “canplay” fired before seeking.

          if (_t.isHTML5 && !_t._html5_canplay) {

this hasn’t been loaded yet. load it first, and then do this again.

            _s._wD(fN+'Beginning load of "'+ _t.sID+'" for from/to case');

              _oncanplay: onready

            return false;

          } else if (!_t.isHTML5 && !_t.loaded && (!_t.readyState || _t.readyState !== 2)) {

to be safe, preload the whole thing in Flash.

            _s._wD(fN+'Preloading "'+ _t.sID+'" for from/to case');

              onload: onready

            return false;


otherwise, we’re ready to go. re-apply local options, and continue

          _t._iO = _applyFromTo();


        _s._wD(fN+'"'+ _t.sID+'" is starting to play');

        if (!_t.instanceCount || _t._iO.multiShotEvents || (!_t.isHTML5 && _fV > 8 && !_t.getAutoPlay())) {

if first play and onposition parameters exist, apply them now

        if (_t.playState === 0 && _t._iO.onposition) {

        _t.playState = 1;
        _t.paused = false;

        _t.position = (typeof _t._iO.position !== 'undefined' && !isNaN(_t._iO.position) ? _t._iO.position : 0);

        if (!_t.isHTML5) {
          _t._iO = _policyFix(_loopFix(_t._iO));

        if (_t._iO.onplay && _updatePlayState) {
          _onplay_called = true;

        _t.setVolume(_t._iO.volume, true);
        _t.setPan(_t._iO.pan, true);

        if (!_t.isHTML5) {

          _flash._start(_t.sID, _t._iO.loops || 1, (_fV === 9?_t._iO.position:_t._iO.position / 1000));

        } else {

          a = _t._setup_html5();



      return _t;


just for convenience

    this.start = this.play;

Stops playing a sound (and optionally, all sounds)

@param {boolean} bAll Optional: Whether to stop all sounds @return {SMSound} The SMSound object

    this.stop = function(bAll) {

      var _iO = _t._iO, _oP;

      if (_t.playState === 1) {

        _t.paused = false;

        if (!_t.isHTML5) {
          _t.playState = 0;

remove onPosition listeners, if any


and “to” position, if set

        if (_iO.to) {

        if (!_t.isHTML5) {

          _flash._stop(_t.sID, bAll);

hack for netStream: just unload

          if (_iO.serverURL) {

        } else {

          if (_t._a) {

            _oP = _t.position;

act like Flash, though


hack: reflect old position for onstop() (also like Flash)

            _t.position = _oP;

html5 has no stop() NOTE: pausing means iOS requires interaction to resume.


            _t.playState = 0;

and update UI





        _t.instanceCount = 0;
        _t._iO = {};

        if (_iO.onstop) {


      return _t;


Undocumented/internal: Sets autoPlay for RTMP.

@param {boolean} autoPlay state

    this.setAutoPlay = function(autoPlay) {

      _s._wD('sound '+_t.sID+' turned autoplay ' + (autoPlay ? 'on' : 'off'));
      _t._iO.autoPlay = autoPlay;

      if (!_t.isHTML5) {
        _flash._setAutoPlay(_t.sID, autoPlay);
        if (autoPlay) {

only increment the instanceCount if the sound isn’t loaded (TODO: verify RTMP)

          if (!_t.instanceCount && _t.readyState === 1) {
            _s._wD('sound '+_t.sID+' incremented instance count to '+_t.instanceCount);


Undocumented/internal: Returns the autoPlay boolean.

@return {boolean} The current autoPlay value

    this.getAutoPlay = function() {

      return _t._iO.autoPlay;


Sets the position of a sound.

@param {number} nMsecOffset Position (milliseconds) @return {SMSound} The SMSound object

    this.setPosition = function(nMsecOffset) {

      if (nMsecOffset === undefined) {
        nMsecOffset = 0;

      var original_pos,
          position, position1K,

Use the duration from the instance options, if we don’t have a track duration yet. position >= 0 and <= current available (loaded) duration

          offset = (_t.isHTML5 ? Math.max(nMsecOffset,0) : Math.min(_t.duration || _t._iO.duration, Math.max(nMsecOffset, 0)));

      original_pos = _t.position;
      _t.position = offset;
      position1K = _t.position/1000;
      _t._iO.position = offset;

      if (!_t.isHTML5) {

        position = (_fV === 9 ? _t.position : position1K);
        if (_t.readyState && _t.readyState !== 2) {

if paused or not playing, will not resume (by playing)

          _flash._setPosition(_t.sID, position, (_t.paused || !_t.playState));

      } else if (_t._a) {

Set the position in the canplay handler if the sound is not ready yet

        if (_t._html5_canplay) {
          if (_t._a.currentTime !== position1K) {

DOM/JS errors/exceptions to watch out for: if seek is beyond (loaded?) position, “DOM exception 11” “INDEXSIZEERR”: DOM exception 1

            _s._wD('setPosition('+position1K+'): setting position');
            try {
              _t._a.currentTime = position1K;
              if (_t.playState === 0 || _t.paused) {

allow seek without auto-play/resume

            } catch(e) {
              _s._wD('setPosition('+position1K+'): setting position failed: '+e.message, 2);
        } else {
          _s._wD('setPosition('+position1K+'): delaying, sound not ready');


      if (_t.isHTML5) {
        if (_t.paused) {

if paused, refresh UI right away force update


      return _t;


Pauses sound playback.

@return {SMSound} The SMSound object

    this.pause = function(_bCallFlash) {

      if (_t.paused || (_t.playState === 0 && _t.readyState !== 1)) {
        return _t;

      _t.paused = true;

      if (!_t.isHTML5) {
        if (_bCallFlash || _bCallFlash === undefined) {
      } else {

      if (_t._iO.onpause) {

      return _t;


Resumes sound playback.

@return {SMSound} The SMSound object

When auto-loaded streams pause on buffer full they have a playState of 0. We need to make sure that the playState is set to 1 when these streams “resume”. When a paused stream is resumed, we need to trigger the onplay() callback if it hasn’t been called already. In this case since the sound is being played for the first time, I think it’s more appropriate to call onplay() rather than onresume().

    this.resume = function() {

      var _iO = _t._iO;

      if (!_t.paused) {
        return _t;

      _t.paused = false;
      _t.playState = 1;

      if (!_t.isHTML5) {
        if (_iO.isMovieStar && !_iO.serverURL) {

Bizarre Webkit bug (Chrome reported via 8tracks.com dudes): AAC content paused for 30+ seconds(?) will not resume without a reposition.


flash method is toggle-based (pause/resume)

      } else {

      if (!_onplay_called && _iO.onplay) {
        _onplay_called = true;
      } else if (_iO.onresume) {

      return _t;


Toggles sound playback.

@return {SMSound} The SMSound object

    this.togglePause = function() {


      if (_t.playState === 0) {
          position: (_fV === 9 && !_t.isHTML5 ? _t.position : _t.position / 1000)
        return _t;

      if (_t.paused) {
      } else {

      return _t;


Sets the panning (L-R) effect.

@param {number} nPan The pan value (-100 to 100) @return {SMSound} The SMSound object

    this.setPan = function(nPan, bInstanceOnly) {

      if (typeof nPan === 'undefined') {
        nPan = 0;

      if (typeof bInstanceOnly === 'undefined') {
        bInstanceOnly = false;

      if (!_t.isHTML5) {
        _flash._setPan(_t.sID, nPan);
      } // else { no HTML5 pan? }

      _t._iO.pan = nPan;

      if (!bInstanceOnly) {
        _t.pan = nPan;
        _t.options.pan = nPan;

      return _t;


Sets the volume.

@param {number} nVol The volume value (0 to 100) @return {SMSound} The SMSound object

    this.setVolume = function(nVol, _bInstanceOnly) {

Note: Setting volume has no effect on iOS “special snowflake” devices. Hardware volume control overrides software, and volume will always return 1 per Apple docs. (iOS 4 + 5.) http://developer.apple.com/library/safari/documentation/AudioVideo/Conceptual/HTML-canvas-guide/AddingSoundtoCanvasAnimations/AddingSoundtoCanvasAnimations.html

      if (typeof nVol === 'undefined') {
        nVol = 100;

      if (typeof _bInstanceOnly === 'undefined') {
        _bInstanceOnly = false;

      if (!_t.isHTML5) {
        _flash._setVolume(_t.sID, (_s.muted && !_t.muted) || _t.muted?0:nVol);
      } else if (_t._a) {

valid range: 0-1

        _t._a.volume = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, nVol/100));

      _t._iO.volume = nVol;

      if (!_bInstanceOnly) {
        _t.volume = nVol;
        _t.options.volume = nVol;

      return _t;


Mutes the sound.

@return {SMSound} The SMSound object

    this.mute = function() {

      _t.muted = true;

      if (!_t.isHTML5) {
        _flash._setVolume(_t.sID, 0);
      } else if (_t._a) {
        _t._a.muted = true;

      return _t;


Unmutes the sound.

@return {SMSound} The SMSound object

    this.unmute = function() {

      _t.muted = false;
      var hasIO = typeof _t._iO.volume !== 'undefined';

      if (!_t.isHTML5) {
        _flash._setVolume(_t.sID, hasIO?_t._iO.volume:_t.options.volume);
      } else if (_t._a) {
        _t._a.muted = false;

      return _t;


Toggles the muted state of a sound.

@return {SMSound} The SMSound object

    this.toggleMute = function() {

      return (_t.muted?_t.unmute():_t.mute());


Registers a callback to be fired when a sound reaches a given position during playback.

@param {number} nPosition The position to watch for @param {function} oMethod The relevant callback to fire @param {object} oScope Optional: The scope to apply the callback to @return {SMSound} The SMSound object

    this.onPosition = function(nPosition, oMethod, oScope) {

TODO: basic dupe checking?

        position: parseInt(nPosition, 10),
        method: oMethod,
        scope: (typeof oScope !== 'undefined' ? oScope : _t),
        fired: false

      return _t;


legacy/backwards-compability: lower-case method name

    this.onposition = this.onPosition;

Removes registered callback(s) from a sound, by position and/or callback.

@param {number} nPosition The position to clear callback(s) for @param {function} oMethod Optional: Identify one callback to be removed when multiple listeners exist for one position @return {SMSound} The SMSound object

    this.clearOnPosition = function(nPosition, oMethod) {

      var i;

      nPosition = parseInt(nPosition, 10);

      if (isNaN(nPosition)) {

safety check

        return false;

      for (i=0; i < _onPositionItems.length; i++) {

        if (nPosition === _onPositionItems[i].position) {

remove this item if no method was specified, or, if the method matches

          if (!oMethod || (oMethod === _onPositionItems[i].method)) {
            if (_onPositionItems[i].fired) {

decrement “fired” counter, too

            _onPositionItems.splice(i, 1);



    this._processOnPosition = function() {

      var i, item, j = _onPositionItems.length;

      if (!j || !_t.playState || _onPositionFired >= j) {
        return false;

      for (i=j-1; i >= 0; i--) {
        item = _onPositionItems[i];
        if (!item.fired && _t.position >= item.position) {
          item.fired = true;
          item.method.apply(item.scope, [item.position]);

      return true;


    this._resetOnPosition = function(nPosition) {

reset “fired” for items interested in this position

      var i, item, j = _onPositionItems.length;

      if (!j) {
        return false;

      for (i=j-1; i >= 0; i--) {
        item = _onPositionItems[i];
        if (item.fired && nPosition <= item.position) {
          item.fired = false;

      return true;


SMSound() private internals

    _applyFromTo = function() {

      var _iO = _t._iO,
          f = _iO.from,
          t = _iO.to,
          start, end;

      end = function() {

end has been reached.

        _s._wD(_t.sID + ': "to" time of ' + t + ' reached.');

detach listener

        _t.clearOnPosition(t, end);

stop should clear this, too



      start = function() {

        _s._wD(_t.sID + ': playing "from" ' + f);

add listener for end

        if (t !== null && !isNaN(t)) {
          _t.onPosition(t, end);


      if (f !== null && !isNaN(f)) {

apply to instance options, guaranteeing correct start position.

        _iO.position = f;

multiShot timing can’t be tracked, so prevent that.

        _iO.multiShot = false;



return updated instanceOptions including starting position

      return _iO;


    _attachOnPosition = function() {

      var item,
          op = _t._iO.onposition;

attach onposition things, if any, now.

      if (op) {

        for (item in op) {
          if (op.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
            _t.onPosition(parseInt(item, 10), op[item]); 



    _detachOnPosition = function() {

      var item,
          op = _t._iO.onposition;

detach any onposition()-style listeners.

      if (op) {

        for (item in op) {
          if (op.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
            _t.clearOnPosition(parseInt(item, 10));



    _start_html5_timer = function() {

      if (_t.isHTML5) {


    _stop_html5_timer = function() {

      if (_t.isHTML5) {


    _resetProperties = function() {

      _onPositionItems = [];
      _onPositionFired = 0;
      _onplay_called = false;

      _t._hasTimer = null;
      _t._a = null;
      _t._html5_canplay = false;
      _t.bytesLoaded = null;
      _t.bytesTotal = null;
      _t.duration = (_t._iO && _t._iO.duration ? _t._iO.duration : null);
      _t.durationEstimate = null;

legacy: 1D array

      _t.eqData = [];

      _t.eqData.left = [];
      _t.eqData.right = [];

      _t.failures = 0;
      _t.isBuffering = false;
      _t.instanceOptions = {};
      _t.instanceCount = 0;
      _t.loaded = false;
      _t.metadata = {};

0 = uninitialised, 1 = loading, 2 = failed/error, 3 = loaded/success

      _t.readyState = 0;

      _t.muted = false;
      _t.paused = false;

      _t.peakData = {
        left: 0,
        right: 0

      _t.waveformData = {
        left: [],
        right: []

      _t.playState = 0;
      _t.position = null;



Pseudo-private SMSound internals

    this._onTimer = function(bForce) {

HTML5-only _whileplaying() etc. called from both HTML5 native events, and polling/interval-based timers mimics flash and fires only when time/duration change, so as to be polling-friendly

      var duration, isNew = false, time, x = {};

      if (_t._hasTimer || bForce) {

TODO: May not need to track readyState (1 = loading)

        if (_t._a && (bForce || ((_t.playState > 0 || _t.readyState === 1) && !_t.paused))) {

          duration = _t._get_html5_duration();

          if (duration !== _lastHTML5State.duration) {

            _lastHTML5State.duration = duration;
            _t.duration = duration;
            isNew = true;


TODO: investigate why this goes wack if not set/re-set each time.

          _t.durationEstimate = _t.duration;

          time = (_t._a.currentTime * 1000 || 0);

          if (time !== _lastHTML5State.time) {

            _lastHTML5State.time = time;
            isNew = true;


          if (isNew || bForce) {



          return isNew;

        } else {

s.wD(‘onTimer: Warn for “’+t.sID+‘”: ’+(!t.a?‘Could not find element. ’:“)+(t.playState === 0?‘playState bad, 0?’:‘playState = ’+t.playState+‘, OK’));

          return false;




    this._get_html5_duration = function() {

      var _iO = _t._iO,
          d = (_t._a ? _t._a.duration*1000 : (_iO ? _iO.duration : undefined)),
          result = (d && !isNaN(d) && d !== Infinity ? d : (_iO ? _iO.duration : null));

      return result;


    this._setup_html5 = function(oOptions) {

      var _iO = _mixin(_t._iO, oOptions), d = decodeURI,
          _a = _useGlobalHTML5Audio ? _s._global_a : _t._a,
          _dURL = d(_iO.url),
          _oldIO = (_a && _a._t ? _a._t.instanceOptions : null);

      if (_a) {

        if (_a._t) {

          if (!_useGlobalHTML5Audio && _dURL === d(_lastURL)) {

same url, ignore request

            return _a; 
          } else if (_useGlobalHTML5Audio && _oldIO.url === _iO.url && (!_lastURL || (_lastURL === _oldIO.url))) {

iOS-type reuse case

            return _a;


        _s._wD('setting new URL on existing object: ' + _dURL + (_lastURL ? ', old URL: ' + _lastURL : ''));

"First things first, I, Poppa..” (reset the previous state of the old sound, if playing) Fixes case with devices that can only play one sound at a time Otherwise, other sounds in mid-play will be terminated without warning and in a stuck state

        if (_useGlobalHTML5Audio && _a._t && _a._t.playState && _iO.url !== _oldIO.url) {

new URL, so reset load/playstate and so on


        _a.src = _iO.url;
        _t.url = _iO.url;
        _lastURL = _iO.url;
        _a._called_load = false;

      } else {

        _s._wD('creating HTML5 Audio() element with URL: '+_dURL);
        _a = new Audio(_iO.url);

        _a._called_load = false;

android (seen in 2.3/Honeycomb) sometimes fails first .load() –> .play(), results in playback failure and ended() events?

        if (_is_android) {
          _a._called_load = true;

        if (_useGlobalHTML5Audio) {
          _s._global_a = _a;


      _t.isHTML5 = true;

store a ref on the track

      _t._a = _a;

store a ref on the audio

      _a._t = _t;

      _a.loop = (_iO.loops>1?'loop':'');

      if (_iO.autoLoad || _iO.autoPlay) {


      } else {

early HTML5 implementation (non-standard)

        _a.autobuffer = false;


        _a.preload = 'none';


boolean instead of “loop”, for webkit? – spec says string. http://www.w3.org/TR/html-markup/audio.html#audio.attrs.loop

      _a.loop = (_iO.loops > 1 ? 'loop' : '');

      return _a;


    _add_html5_events = function() {

      if (_t._a._added_events) {
        return false;

      var f;

      function add(oEvt, oFn, bCapture) {
        return _t._a ? _t._a.addEventListener(oEvt, oFn, bCapture||false) : null;

      _s._wD(_h5+'adding event listeners: '+_t.sID);
      _t._a._added_events = true;

      for (f in _html5_events) {
        if (_html5_events.hasOwnProperty(f)) {
          add(f, _html5_events[f]);

      return true;


    _remove_html5_events = function() {

Remove event listeners

      var f;

      function remove(oEvt, oFn, bCapture) {
        return (_t._a ? _t._a.removeEventListener(oEvt, oFn, bCapture||false) : null);

      _s._wD(_h5+'removing event listeners: '+_t.sID);
      _t._a._added_events = false;

      for (f in _html5_events) {
        if (_html5_events.hasOwnProperty(f)) {
          remove(f, _html5_events[f]);


Pseudo-private event internals

    this._onload = function(nSuccess) {

      var fN, loadOK = !!(nSuccess);

      fN = 'SMSound._onload(): ';
      _s._wD(fN + '"' + _t.sID + '"' + (loadOK?' loaded.':' failed to load? - ' + _t.url), (loadOK?1:2));
      if (!loadOK && !_t.isHTML5) {
        if (_s.sandbox.noRemote === true) {
          _s._wD(fN + _str('noNet'), 1);
        if (_s.sandbox.noLocal === true) {
          _s._wD(fN + _str('noLocal'), 1);

      _t.loaded = loadOK;
      _t.readyState = loadOK?3:2;

      if (_t._iO.onload) {
        _t._iO.onload.apply(_t, [loadOK]);

      return true;


    this._onbufferchange = function(nIsBuffering) {

      if (_t.playState === 0) {

ignore if not playing

        return false;

      if ((nIsBuffering && _t.isBuffering) || (!nIsBuffering && !_t.isBuffering)) {
        return false;

      _t.isBuffering = (nIsBuffering === 1);
      if (_t._iO.onbufferchange) {
        _s._wD('SMSound._onbufferchange(): ' + nIsBuffering);

      return true;


Notify Mobile Safari that user action is required to continue playing / loading the audio file.

    this._onsuspend = function() {

      if (_t._iO.onsuspend) {

      return true;


flash 9/movieStar + RTMP-only method, should fire only once at most at this point we just recreate failed sounds rather than trying to reconnect

    this._onfailure = function(msg, level, code) {

      _s._wD('SMSound._onfailure(): "'+_t.sID+'" count '+_t.failures);

      if (_t._iO.onfailure && _t.failures === 1) {
        _t._iO.onfailure(_t, msg, level, code);
      } else {
        _s._wD('SMSound._onfailure(): ignoring');


    this._onfinish = function() {

store local copy before it gets trashed..

      var _io_onfinish = _t._iO.onfinish;


reset some state items

      if (_t.instanceCount) {


        if (!_t.instanceCount) {

remove onPosition listeners, if any


reset instance options

          _t.playState = 0;
          _t.paused = false;
          _t.instanceCount = 0;
          _t.instanceOptions = {};
          _t._iO = {};


        if (!_t.instanceCount || _t._iO.multiShotEvents) {

fire onfinish for last, or every instance

          if (_io_onfinish) {
            _s._wD('SMSound._onfinish(): "' + _t.sID + '"');



    this._whileloading = function(nBytesLoaded, nBytesTotal, nDuration, nBufferLength) {

      var _iO = _t._iO;

      _t.bytesLoaded = nBytesLoaded;
      _t.bytesTotal = nBytesTotal;
      _t.duration = Math.floor(nDuration);
      _t.bufferLength = nBufferLength;

      if (!_iO.isMovieStar) {

        if (_iO.duration) {

use options, if specified and larger

          _t.durationEstimate = (_t.duration > _iO.duration) ? _t.duration : _iO.duration;
        } else {
          _t.durationEstimate = parseInt((_t.bytesTotal / _t.bytesLoaded) * _t.duration, 10);


        if (_t.durationEstimate === undefined) {
          _t.durationEstimate = _t.duration;

        if (_t.readyState !== 3 && _iO.whileloading) {

      } else {

        _t.durationEstimate = _t.duration;
        if (_t.readyState !== 3 && _iO.whileloading) {



    this._whileplaying = function(nPosition, oPeakData, oWaveformDataLeft, oWaveformDataRight, oEQData) {

      var _iO = _t._iO,

      if (isNaN(nPosition) || nPosition === null) {

flash safety net

        return false;

      _t.position = nPosition;

      if (!_t.isHTML5 && _fV > 8) {

        if (_iO.usePeakData && typeof oPeakData !== 'undefined' && oPeakData) {
          _t.peakData = {
            left: oPeakData.leftPeak,
            right: oPeakData.rightPeak

        if (_iO.useWaveformData && typeof oWaveformDataLeft !== 'undefined' && oWaveformDataLeft) {
          _t.waveformData = {
            left: oWaveformDataLeft.split(','),
            right: oWaveformDataRight.split(',')

        if (_iO.useEQData) {
          if (typeof oEQData !== 'undefined' && oEQData && oEQData.leftEQ) {
            eqLeft = oEQData.leftEQ.split(',');
            _t.eqData = eqLeft;
            _t.eqData.left = eqLeft;
            if (typeof oEQData.rightEQ !== 'undefined' && oEQData.rightEQ) {
              _t.eqData.right = oEQData.rightEQ.split(',');


      if (_t.playState === 1) {

special case/hack: ensure buffering is false if loading from cache (and not yet started)

        if (!_t.isHTML5 && _fV === 8 && !_t.position && _t.isBuffering) {

        if (_iO.whileplaying) {

flash may call after actual finish



      return true;


    this._onmetadata = function(oMDProps, oMDData) {

internal: flash 9 + NetStream (MovieStar/RTMP-only) feature RTMP may include song title, MovieStar content may include encoding info

@param {array} oMDProps (names) @param {array} oMDData (values)

      _s._wD('SMSound._onmetadata(): "' + this.sID + '" metadata received.');

      var oData = {}, i, j;

      for (i = 0, j = oMDProps.length; i < j; i++) {
        oData[oMDProps[i]] = oMDData[i];
      _t.metadata = oData;

      if (_t._iO.onmetadata) {


    this._onid3 = function(oID3Props, oID3Data) {

internal: flash 8 + flash 9 ID3 feature may include artist, song title etc.

@param {array} oID3Props (names) @param {array} oID3Data (values)

      _s._wD('SMSound._onid3(): "' + this.sID + '" ID3 data received.');

      var oData = [], i, j;

      for (i = 0, j = oID3Props.length; i < j; i++) {
        oData[oID3Props[i]] = oID3Data[i];
      _t.id3 = _mixin(_t.id3, oData);

      if (_t._iO.onid3) {



    this._onconnect = function(bSuccess) {

      bSuccess = (bSuccess === 1);
      _s._wD('SMSound._onconnect(): "'+_t.sID+'"'+(bSuccess?' connected.':' failed to connect? - '+_t.url), (bSuccess?1:2));
      _t.connected = bSuccess;

      if (bSuccess) {

        _t.failures = 0;

        if (_idCheck(_t.sID)) {
          if (_t.getAutoPlay()) {

only update the play state if auto playing

            _t.play(undefined, _t.getAutoPlay());
          } else if (_t._iO.autoLoad) {

        if (_t._iO.onconnect) {
          _t._iO.onconnect.apply(_t, [bSuccess]);



    this._ondataerror = function(sError) {

flash 9 wave/eq data handler hack: called at start, and end from flash at/after onfinish()

      if (_t.playState > 0) {
        _s._wD('SMSound._ondataerror(): ' + sError);
        if (_t._iO.ondataerror) {


  }; // SMSound()

Private SoundManager internals

  _getDocument = function() {

    return (_doc.body || _doc._docElement || _doc.getElementsByTagName('div')[0]);


  _id = function(sID) {

    return _doc.getElementById(sID);


  _mixin = function(oMain, oAdd) {

non-destructive merge

    var o1 = {}, i, o2, o;

clone c1

    for (i in oMain) {
      if (oMain.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
        o1[i] = oMain[i];

    o2 = (typeof oAdd === 'undefined'?_s.defaultOptions:oAdd);
    for (o in o2) {
      if (o2.hasOwnProperty(o) && typeof o1[o] === 'undefined') {
        o1[o] = o2[o];
    return o1;


  _event = (function() {

    var old = (_win.attachEvent),
    evt = {
      add: (old?'attachEvent':'addEventListener'),
      remove: (old?'detachEvent':'removeEventListener')

    function getArgs(oArgs) {

      var args = _slice.call(oArgs), len = args.length;

      if (old) {


        args[1] = 'on' + args[1];
        if (len > 3) {

no capture

      } else if (len === 3) {

      return args;


    function apply(args, sType) {

      var element = args.shift(),
          method = [evt[sType]];

      if (old) {
        element[method](args[0], args[1]);
      } else {
        element[method].apply(element, args);


    function add() {

      apply(getArgs(arguments), 'add');


    function remove() {

      apply(getArgs(arguments), 'remove');


    return {
      'add': add,
      'remove': remove


Internal HTML5 event handling

  function _html5_event(oFn) {

wrap html5 event handlers so we don’t call them on destroyed sounds

    return function(e) {

      var t = this._t;

      if (!t || !t._a) {

        if (t && t.sID) {
          _s._wD(_h5+'ignoring '+e.type+': '+t.sID);
        } else {
          _s._wD(_h5+'ignoring '+e.type);

        return null;
      } else {
        return oFn.call(this, e);



  _html5_events = {

HTML5 event-name-to-handler map

    abort: _html5_event(function() {

      _s._wD(_h5+'abort: '+this._t.sID);


enough has loaded to play

    canplay: _html5_event(function() {

      var t = this._t,

      if (t._html5_canplay) {

this event has already fired. ignore.

        return true;

      t._html5_canplay = true;
      _s._wD(_h5+'canplay: '+t.sID+', '+t.url);
      position1K = (!isNaN(t.position)?t.position/1000:null);

set the position if position was set before the sound loaded

      if (t.position && this.currentTime !== position1K) {
        _s._wD(_h5+'canplay: setting position to '+position1K);
        try {
          this.currentTime = position1K;
        } catch(ee) {
          _s._wD(_h5+'setting position failed: '+ee.message, 2);

hack for HTML5 from/to case

      if (t._iO._oncanplay) {


    load: _html5_event(function() {

      var t = this._t;

      if (!t.loaded) {

should be 1, and the same

        t._whileloading(t.bytesTotal, t.bytesTotal, t._get_html5_duration());


TODO: Reserved for potential use

    emptied: _html5_event(function() {

      _s._wD(_h5+'emptied: '+this._t.sID);


    ended: _html5_event(function() {

      var t = this._t;

      _s._wD(_h5+'ended: '+t.sID);


    error: _html5_event(function() {

      _s._wD(_h5+'error: '+this.error.code);

call load with error state?



    loadeddata: _html5_event(function() {

      var t = this._t,

at least 1 byte, so math works

          bytesTotal = t.bytesTotal || 1;

      _s._wD(_h5+'loadeddata: '+this._t.sID);

safari seems to nicely report progress events, eventually totalling 100%

      if (!t._loaded && !_isSafari) {
        t.duration = t._get_html5_duration();

fire whileloading() with 100% values

        t._whileloading(bytesTotal, bytesTotal, t._get_html5_duration());


    loadedmetadata: _html5_event(function() {

      _s._wD(_h5+'loadedmetadata: '+this._t.sID);


    loadstart: _html5_event(function() {

      _s._wD(_h5+'loadstart: '+this._t.sID);

assume buffering at first



    play: _html5_event(function() {

      _s._wD(_h5+'play: '+this._t.sID+', '+this._t.url);

once play starts, no buffering



    playing: _html5_event(function() {

      _s._wD(_h5+'playing: '+this._t.sID);

once play starts, no buffering



    progress: _html5_event(function(e) {

      var t = this._t,
          i, j, str, buffered = 0,
          isProgress = (e.type === 'progress'),
          ranges = e.target.buffered,

firefox 3.6 implements e.loaded/total (bytes)

          loaded = (e.loaded||0),
          total = (e.total||1);

      if (t.loaded) {
        return false;

      if (ranges && ranges.length) {

if loaded is 0, try TimeRanges implementation as % of load https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/TimeRanges

        for (i=ranges.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
          buffered = (ranges.end(i) - ranges.start(i));

linear case, buffer sum; does not account for seeking and HTTP partials / byte ranges

        loaded = buffered/e.target.duration;

        if (isProgress && ranges.length > 1) {
          str = [];
          j = ranges.length;
          for (i=0; i<j; i++) {
            str.push(e.target.buffered.start(i) +'-'+ e.target.buffered.end(i));
          _s._wD(_h5+'progress: timeRanges: '+str.join(', '));

        if (isProgress && !isNaN(loaded)) {
          _s._wD(_h5+'progress: '+t.sID+': ' + Math.floor(loaded*100)+'% loaded');


      if (!isNaN(loaded)) {

if progress, likely not buffering

        t._whileloading(loaded, total, t._get_html5_duration());
        if (loaded && total && loaded === total) {

in case “onload” doesn’t fire (eg. gecko 1.9.2)

          _html5_events.load.call(this, e);



    ratechange: _html5_event(function() {

      _s._wD(_h5+'ratechange: '+this._t.sID);


    suspend: _html5_event(function(e) {

download paused/stopped, may have finished (eg. onload)

      var t = this._t;

      _s._wD(_h5+'suspend: '+t.sID);
      _html5_events.progress.call(this, e);


    stalled: _html5_event(function() {

      _s._wD(_h5+'stalled: '+this._t.sID);


    timeupdate: _html5_event(function() {



    waiting: _html5_event(function() {

      var t = this._t;

see also: seeking

      _s._wD(_h5+'waiting: '+t.sID);

playback faster than download rate, etc.




  _html5OK = function(iO) {

Use type, if specified. If HTML5-only mode, no other options, so just give ‘er

    return (!iO.serverURL && (iO.type?_html5CanPlay({type:iO.type}):_html5CanPlay({url:iO.url})||_s.html5Only));


  _html5Unload = function(oAudio) {

Internal method: Unload media, and cancel any current/pending network requests. Firefox can load an empty URL, which allegedly destroys the decoder and stops the download. https://developer.mozilla.org/En/UsingaudioandvideoinFirefox#Stoppingthedownloadof_media Other UA behaviour is unclear, so everyone else gets an about:blank-style URL.

    if (oAudio) {

Firefox likes “ for unload, most other UAs don’t and fail to unload.

      oAudio.src = (_is_firefox ? '' : _emptyURL);


  _html5CanPlay = function(o) {

Try to find MIME, test and return truthiness o = { url: ’/path/to/an.mp3', type: ‘audio/mp3’ }

    if (!_s.useHTML5Audio || !_s.hasHTML5) {
      return false;

    var url = (o.url || null),
        mime = (o.type || null),
        aF = _s.audioFormats,

    function preferFlashCheck(kind) {

whether flash should play a given type

      return (_s.preferFlash && _hasFlash && !_s.ignoreFlash && (typeof _s.flash[kind] !== 'undefined' && _s.flash[kind]));


account for known cases like audio/mp3

    if (mime && typeof _s.html5[mime] !== 'undefined') {
      return (_s.html5[mime] && !preferFlashCheck(mime));

    if (!_html5Ext) {
      _html5Ext = [];
      for (item in aF) {
        if (aF.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
          if (aF[item].related) {
            _html5Ext = _html5Ext.concat(aF[item].related);
      _html5Ext = new RegExp('\\.('+_html5Ext.join('|')+')(\\?.*)?$','i');

TODO: Strip URL queries, etc.

    fileExt = (url ? url.toLowerCase().match(_html5Ext) : null);

    if (!fileExt || !fileExt.length) {
      if (!mime) {
        return false;
      } else {

audio/mp3 –> mp3, result should be known

        offset = mime.indexOf(';');

strip "audio/X; codecs..”

        fileExt = (offset !== -1?mime.substr(0,offset):mime).substr(6);
    } else {

match the raw extension name – “mp3”, for example

      fileExt = fileExt[1];

    if (fileExt && typeof _s.html5[fileExt] !== 'undefined') {

result known

      return (_s.html5[fileExt] && !preferFlashCheck(fileExt));
    } else {
      mime = 'audio/'+fileExt;
      result = _s.html5.canPlayType({type:mime});
      _s.html5[fileExt] = result;

s.wD(‘canPlayType, found result: ’+result);

      return (result && _s.html5[mime] && !preferFlashCheck(mime));


  _testHTML5 = function() {

    if (!_s.useHTML5Audio || typeof Audio === 'undefined') {
      return false;

double-whammy: Opera 9.64 throws WRONGARGUMENTSERR if no parameter passed to Audio(), and Webkit + iOS happily tries to load “null” as a URL. :/

    var a = (typeof Audio !== 'undefined' ? (_isOpera ? new Audio(null) : new Audio()) : null),
        item, support = {}, aF, i;

    function _cp(m) {

      var canPlay, i, j, isOK = false;

      if (!a || typeof a.canPlayType !== 'function') {
        return false;

      if (m instanceof Array) {

iterate through all mime types, return any successes

        for (i=0, j=m.length; i<j && !isOK; i++) {
          if (_s.html5[m[i]] || a.canPlayType(m[i]).match(_s.html5Test)) {
            isOK = true;
            _s.html5[m[i]] = true;

if flash can play and preferred, also mark it for use.

            _s.flash[m[i]] = !!(_s.preferFlash && _hasFlash && m[i].match(_flashMIME));

        return isOK;
      } else {
        canPlay = (a && typeof a.canPlayType === 'function' ? a.canPlayType(m) : false);
        return !!(canPlay && (canPlay.match(_s.html5Test)));


test all registered formats + codecs

    aF = _s.audioFormats;

    for (item in aF) {
      if (aF.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
        support[item] = _cp(aF[item].type);

write back generic type too, eg. audio/mp3

        support['audio/'+item] = support[item];

assign flash

        if (_s.preferFlash && !_s.ignoreFlash && item.match(_flashMIME)) {
          _s.flash[item] = true;
        } else {
          _s.flash[item] = false;

assign result to related formats, too

        if (aF[item] && aF[item].related) {
          for (i=aF[item].related.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {

eg. audio/m4a

            support['audio/'+aF[item].related[i]] = support[item];
            _s.html5[aF[item].related[i]] = support[item];
            _s.flash[aF[item].related[i]] = support[item];

    support.canPlayType = (a?_cp:null);
    _s.html5 = _mixin(_s.html5, support);

    return true;


  _strings = {

    notReady: 'Not loaded yet - wait for soundManager.onload()/onready()',
    notOK: 'Audio support is not available.',
    domError: _smc + 'createMovie(): appendChild/innerHTML call failed. DOM not ready or other error.',
    spcWmode: _smc + 'createMovie(): Removing wmode, preventing known SWF loading issue(s)',
    swf404: _sm + ': Verify that %s is a valid path.',
    tryDebug: 'Try ' + _sm + '.debugFlash = true for more security details (output goes to SWF.)',
    checkSWF: 'See SWF output for more debug info.',
    localFail: _sm + ': Non-HTTP page (' + _doc.location.protocol + ' URL?) Review Flash player security settings for this special case:\nhttp://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager04.html\nMay need to add/allow path, eg. c:/sm2/ or /users/me/sm2/',
    waitFocus: _sm + ': Special case: Waiting for focus-related event..',
    waitImpatient: _sm + ': Getting impatient, still waiting for Flash%s...',
    waitForever: _sm + ': Waiting indefinitely for Flash (will recover if unblocked)...',
    needFunction: _sm + ': Function object expected for %s',
    badID: 'Warning: Sound ID "%s" should be a string, starting with a non-numeric character',
    currentObj: '--- ' + _sm + '._debug(): Current sound objects ---',
    waitEI: _smc + 'initMovie(): Waiting for ExternalInterface call from Flash..',
    waitOnload: _sm + ': Waiting for window.onload()',
    docLoaded: _sm + ': Document already loaded',
    onload: _smc + 'initComplete(): calling soundManager.onload()',
    onloadOK: _sm + '.onload() complete',
    init: _smc + 'init()',
    didInit: _smc + 'init(): Already called?',
    flashJS: _sm + ': Attempting to call Flash from JS..',
    secNote: 'Flash security note: Network/internet URLs will not load due to security restrictions. Access can be configured via Flash Player Global Security Settings Page: http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager04.html',
    badRemove: 'Warning: Failed to remove flash movie.',
    noPeak: 'Warning: peakData features unsupported for movieStar formats',
    shutdown: _sm + '.disable(): Shutting down',
    queue: _sm + ': Queueing %s handler',
    smFail: _sm + ': Failed to initialise.',
    smError: 'SMSound.load(): Exception: JS-Flash communication failed, or JS error.',
    fbTimeout: 'No flash response, applying .'+_swfCSS.swfTimedout+' CSS..',
    fbLoaded: 'Flash loaded',
    fbHandler: _smc+'flashBlockHandler()',
    manURL: 'SMSound.load(): Using manually-assigned URL',
    onURL: _sm + '.load(): current URL already assigned.',
    badFV: _sm + '.flashVersion must be 8 or 9. "%s" is invalid. Reverting to %s.',
    as2loop: 'Note: Setting stream:false so looping can work (flash 8 limitation)',
    noNSLoop: 'Note: Looping not implemented for MovieStar formats',
    needfl9: 'Note: Switching to flash 9, required for MP4 formats.',
    mfTimeout: 'Setting flashLoadTimeout = 0 (infinite) for off-screen, mobile flash case',
    mfOn: 'mobileFlash::enabling on-screen flash repositioning',
    policy: 'Enabling usePolicyFile for data access'


  _str = function() {

internal string replace helper. arguments: o [,items to replace]

real array, please

    var args = _slice.call(arguments),

first arg

    o = args.shift(),

    str = (_strings && _strings[o]?_strings[o]:''), i, j;
    if (str && args && args.length) {
      for (i = 0, j = args.length; i < j; i++) {
        str = str.replace('%s', args[i]);

    return str;


  _loopFix = function(sOpt) {

flash 8 requires stream = false for looping to work

    if (_fV === 8 && sOpt.loops > 1 && sOpt.stream) {
      sOpt.stream = false;

    return sOpt;


  _policyFix = function(sOpt, sPre) {

    if (sOpt && !sOpt.usePolicyFile && (sOpt.onid3 || sOpt.usePeakData || sOpt.useWaveformData || sOpt.useEQData)) {
      _s._wD((sPre || '') + _str('policy'));
      sOpt.usePolicyFile = true;

    return sOpt;


  _complain = function(sMsg) {

    if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && typeof console.warn !== 'undefined') {
    } else {


  _doNothing = function() {

    return false;


  _disableObject = function(o) {

    var oProp;

    for (oProp in o) {
      if (o.hasOwnProperty(oProp) && typeof o[oProp] === 'function') {
        o[oProp] = _doNothing;

    oProp = null;


  _failSafely = function(bNoDisable) {

general failure exception handler

    if (typeof bNoDisable === 'undefined') {
      bNoDisable = false;

    if (_disabled || bNoDisable) {
      _wDS('smFail', 2);


  _normalizeMovieURL = function(smURL) {

    var urlParams = null, url;

    if (smURL) {
      if (smURL.match(/\.swf(\?.*)?$/i)) {
        urlParams = smURL.substr(smURL.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf('.swf?') + 4);
        if (urlParams) {

assume user knows what they’re doing

          return smURL;
      } else if (smURL.lastIndexOf('/') !== smURL.length - 1) {

append trailing slash, if needed

        smURL += '/';

    url = (smURL && smURL.lastIndexOf('/') !== - 1 ? smURL.substr(0, smURL.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) : './') + _s.movieURL;

    if (_s.noSWFCache) {
      url += ('?ts=' + new Date().getTime());

    return url;


  _setVersionInfo = function() {

short-hand for internal use

    _fV = parseInt(_s.flashVersion, 10);

    if (_fV !== 8 && _fV !== 9) {
      _s._wD(_str('badFV', _fV, _defaultFlashVersion));
      _s.flashVersion = _fV = _defaultFlashVersion;

debug flash movie, if applicable

    var isDebug = (_s.debugMode || _s.debugFlash?'_debug.swf':'.swf');

    if (_s.useHTML5Audio && !_s.html5Only && _s.audioFormats.mp4.required && _fV < 9) {
      _s.flashVersion = _fV = 9;

    _s.version = _s.versionNumber + (_s.html5Only?' (HTML5-only mode)':(_fV === 9?' (AS3/Flash 9)':' (AS2/Flash 8)'));

set up default options

    if (_fV > 8) {

+flash 9 base options

      _s.defaultOptions = _mixin(_s.defaultOptions, _s.flash9Options);
      _s.features.buffering = true;

+moviestar support

      _s.defaultOptions = _mixin(_s.defaultOptions, _s.movieStarOptions);
      _s.filePatterns.flash9 = new RegExp('\\.(mp3|' + _netStreamTypes.join('|') + ')(\\?.*)?$', 'i');
      _s.features.movieStar = true;
    } else {
      _s.features.movieStar = false;

regExp for flash canPlay(), etc.

    _s.filePattern = _s.filePatterns[(_fV !== 8?'flash9':'flash8')];

if applicable, use _debug versions of SWFs

    _s.movieURL = (_fV === 8?'soundmanager2.swf':'soundmanager2_flash9.swf').replace('.swf', isDebug);

    _s.features.peakData = _s.features.waveformData = _s.features.eqData = (_fV > 8);


  _setPolling = function(bPolling, bHighPerformance) {

    if (!_flash) {
      return false;

    _flash._setPolling(bPolling, bHighPerformance);


  _initDebug = function() {

starts debug mode, creating output

for UAs without console object

allow force of debug mode via URL

    if (_s.debugURLParam.test(_wl)) {
      _s.debugMode = true;

    if (_id(_s.debugID)) {
      return false;

    var oD, oDebug, oTarget, oToggle, tmp;

    if (_s.debugMode && !_id(_s.debugID) && (!_hasConsole || !_s.useConsole || !_s.consoleOnly)) {

      oD = _doc.createElement('div');
      oD.id = _s.debugID + '-toggle';

      oToggle = {
        'position': 'fixed',
        'bottom': '0px',
        'right': '0px',
        'width': '1.2em',
        'height': '1.2em',
        'lineHeight': '1.2em',
        'margin': '2px',
        'textAlign': 'center',
        'border': '1px solid #999',
        'cursor': 'pointer',
        'background': '#fff',
        'color': '#333',
        'zIndex': 10001

      oD.onclick = _toggleDebug;
      oD.title = 'Toggle SM2 debug console';

      if (_ua.match(/msie 6/i)) {
        oD.style.position = 'absolute';
        oD.style.cursor = 'hand';

      for (tmp in oToggle) {
        if (oToggle.hasOwnProperty(tmp)) {
          oD.style[tmp] = oToggle[tmp];

      oDebug = _doc.createElement('div');
      oDebug.id = _s.debugID;
      oDebug.style.display = (_s.debugMode?'block':'none');

      if (_s.debugMode && !_id(oD.id)) {
        try {
          oTarget = _getDocument();
        } catch(e2) {
          throw new Error(_str('domError')+' \n'+e2.toString());


    oTarget = null;


  _idCheck = this.getSoundById;

  _wDS = function(o, errorLevel) {

    if (!o) {
      return '';
    } else {
      return _s._wD(_str(o), errorLevel);


last-resort debugging option

  if (_wl.indexOf('sm2-debug=alert') + 1 && _s.debugMode) {
    _s._wD = function(sText) {window.alert(sText);};

  _toggleDebug = function() {

    var o = _id(_s.debugID),
    oT = _id(_s.debugID + '-toggle');

    if (!o) {
      return false;

    if (_debugOpen) {


      oT.innerHTML = '+';
      o.style.display = 'none';
    } else {
      oT.innerHTML = '-';
      o.style.display = 'block';

    _debugOpen = !_debugOpen;


  _debugTS = function(sEventType, bSuccess, sMessage) {

troubleshooter debug hooks

    if (typeof sm2Debugger !== 'undefined') {
      try {
        sm2Debugger.handleEvent(sEventType, bSuccess, sMessage);
      } catch(e) {

oh well


    return true;


  _getSWFCSS = function() {

    var css = [];

    if (_s.debugMode) {

    if (_s.debugFlash) {

    if (_s.useHighPerformance) {

    return css.join(' ');


  _flashBlockHandler = function() {

possible flash block situation.

    var name = _str('fbHandler'),
        p = _s.getMoviePercent(),
        css = _swfCSS,
        error = {type:'FLASHBLOCK'};

    if (_s.html5Only) {
      return false;

    if (!_s.ok()) {

      if (_needsFlash) {

make the movie more visible, so user can fix

        _s.oMC.className = _getSWFCSS() + ' ' + css.swfDefault + ' ' + (p === null?css.swfTimedout:css.swfError);
        _s._wD(name+': '+_str('fbTimeout')+(p?' ('+_str('fbLoaded')+')':''));

      _s.didFlashBlock = true;

fire onready(), complain lightly

      _processOnEvents({type:'ontimeout', ignoreInit:true, error:error});

    } else {

SM2 loaded OK (or recovered)

      if (_s.didFlashBlock) {
        _s._wD(name+': Unblocked');

      if (_s.oMC) {
        _s.oMC.className = [_getSWFCSS(), css.swfDefault, css.swfLoaded + (_s.didFlashBlock?' '+css.swfUnblocked:'')].join(' ');



  _addOnEvent = function(sType, oMethod, oScope) {

    if (typeof _on_queue[sType] === 'undefined') {
      _on_queue[sType] = [];

      'method': oMethod,
      'scope': (oScope || null),
      'fired': false


  _processOnEvents = function(oOptions) {

assume onready, if unspecified

    if (!oOptions) {
      oOptions = {
        type: 'onready'

    if (!_didInit && oOptions && !oOptions.ignoreInit) {

not ready yet.

      return false;

    if (oOptions.type === 'ontimeout' && _s.ok()) {

invalid case

      return false;

    var status = {
          success: (oOptions && oOptions.ignoreInit?_s.ok():!_disabled)

queue specified by type, or none

        srcQueue = (oOptions && oOptions.type?_on_queue[oOptions.type]||[]:[]),

        queue = [], i, j,
        args = [status],
        canRetry = (_needsFlash && _s.useFlashBlock && !_s.ok());

    if (oOptions.error) {
      args[0].error = oOptions.error;

    for (i = 0, j = srcQueue.length; i < j; i++) {
      if (srcQueue[i].fired !== true) {

    if (queue.length) {
      _s._wD(_sm + ': Firing ' + queue.length + ' '+oOptions.type+'() item' + (queue.length === 1?'':'s'));
      for (i = 0, j = queue.length; i < j; i++) {
        if (queue[i].scope) {
          queue[i].method.apply(queue[i].scope, args);
        } else {
          queue[i].method.apply(this, args);
        if (!canRetry) {

flashblock case doesn’t count here

          queue[i].fired = true;

    return true;


  _initUserOnload = function() {

    _win.setTimeout(function() {

      if (_s.useFlashBlock) {


call user-defined “onload”, scoped to window

      if (_s.onload instanceof Function) {
        _wDS('onload', 1);
        _wDS('onloadOK', 1);

      if (_s.waitForWindowLoad) {
        _event.add(_win, 'load', _initUserOnload);



  _detectFlash = function() {

hat tip: Flash Detect library (BSD, © 2007) by Carl “DocYes” S. Yestrau – http://featureblend.com/javascript-flash-detection-library.html / http://featureblend.com/license.txt

    if (_hasFlash !== undefined) {

this work has already been done.

      return _hasFlash;

    var hasPlugin = false, n = navigator, nP = n.plugins, obj, type, types, AX = _win.ActiveXObject;

    if (nP && nP.length) {
      type = 'application/x-shockwave-flash';
      types = n.mimeTypes;
      if (types && types[type] && types[type].enabledPlugin && types[type].enabledPlugin.description) {
        hasPlugin = true;
    } else if (typeof AX !== 'undefined') {
      try {
        obj = new AX('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash');
      } catch(e) {

oh well

      hasPlugin = (!!obj);

    _hasFlash = hasPlugin;

    return hasPlugin;


  _featureCheck = function() {

    var needsFlash, item,

iPhone <= 3.1 has broken HTML5 audio(), but firmware 3.2 (iPad) + iOS4 works.

        isSpecial = (_is_iDevice && !!(_ua.match(/os (1|2|3_0|3_1)/i)));

    if (isSpecial) {

has Audio(), but is broken; let it load links directly.

      _s.hasHTML5 = false;

ignore flash case, however

      _s.html5Only = true;

      if (_s.oMC) {
        _s.oMC.style.display = 'none';

      return false;


    if (_s.useHTML5Audio) {

      if (!_s.html5 || !_s.html5.canPlayType) {
        _s._wD('SoundManager: No HTML5 Audio() support detected.');
        _s.hasHTML5 = false;
        return true;
      } else {
        _s.hasHTML5 = true;
      if (_isBadSafari) {
        _s._wD(_smc+'Note: Buggy HTML5 Audio in Safari on this OS X release, see https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32159 - '+(!_hasFlash?' would use flash fallback for MP3/MP4, but none detected.':'will use flash fallback for MP3/MP4, if available'),1);
        if (_detectFlash()) {
          return true;
    } else {

flash needed (or, HTML5 needs enabling.)

      return true;


    for (item in _s.audioFormats) {
      if (_s.audioFormats.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
        if ((_s.audioFormats[item].required && !_s.html5.canPlayType(_s.audioFormats[item].type)) || _s.flash[item] || _s.flash[_s.audioFormats[item].type]) {

flash may be required, or preferred for this format

          needsFlash = true;

sanity check..

    if (_s.ignoreFlash) {
      needsFlash = false;

    _s.html5Only = (_s.hasHTML5 && _s.useHTML5Audio && !needsFlash);

    return (!_s.html5Only);


  _parseURL = function(url) {

Internal: Finds and returns the first playable URL (or failing that, the first URL.) @param {string or array} url A single URL string, OR, an array of URL strings or {url:‘/path/to/resource’, type:‘audio/mp3’} objects.

    var i, j, result = 0;

    if (url instanceof Array) {

find the first good one

      for (i=0, j=url.length; i<j; i++) {

        if (url[i] instanceof Object) {

MIME check

          if (_s.canPlayMIME(url[i].type)) {
            result = i;

        } else if (_s.canPlayURL(url[i])) {

URL string check

          result = i;


normalize to string

      if (url[result].url) {
        url[result] = url[result].url;

      return url[result];

    } else {

single URL case

      return url;



  _startTimer = function(oSound) {

attach a timer to this sound, and start an interval if needed

    if (!oSound._hasTimer) {

      oSound._hasTimer = true;

      if (!_likesHTML5 && _s.html5PollingInterval) {

        if (_h5IntervalTimer === null && _h5TimerCount === 0) {

          _h5IntervalTimer = window.setInterval(_timerExecute, _s.html5PollingInterval);





  _stopTimer = function(oSound) {

detach a timer

    if (oSound._hasTimer) {

      oSound._hasTimer = false;

      if (!_likesHTML5 && _s.html5PollingInterval) {

interval will stop itself at next execution.





  _timerExecute = function() {

manual polling for HTML5 progress events, ie., whileplaying() (can achieve greater precision than conservative default HTML5 interval)

    var i;

    if (_h5IntervalTimer !== null && !_h5TimerCount) {

no active timers, stop polling interval.


      _h5IntervalTimer = null;

      return false;


check all HTML5 sounds with timers

    for (i = _s.soundIDs.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {

      if (_s.sounds[_s.soundIDs[i]].isHTML5 && _s.sounds[_s.soundIDs[i]]._hasTimer) {





  _catchError = function(options) {

    options = (typeof options !== 'undefined' ? options : {});

    if (_s.onerror instanceof Function) {
      _s.onerror.apply(_win, [{type:(typeof options.type !== 'undefined' ? options.type : null)}]);

    if (typeof options.fatal !== 'undefined' && options.fatal) {


  _badSafariFix = function() {

special case: “bad” Safari (OS X 10.3 – 10.7) must fall back to flash for MP3/MP4

    if (!_isBadSafari || !_detectFlash()) {

doesn’t apply

      return false;

    var aF = _s.audioFormats, i, item;

    for (item in aF) {
      if (aF.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
        if (item === 'mp3' || item === 'mp4') {
          _s._wD(_sm+': Using flash fallback for '+item+' format');
          _s.html5[item] = false;

assign result to related formats, too

          if (aF[item] && aF[item].related) {
            for (i = aF[item].related.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
              _s.html5[aF[item].related[i]] = false;


Pseudo-private flash/ExternalInterface methods

  this._setSandboxType = function(sandboxType) {

    var sb = _s.sandbox;

    sb.type = sandboxType;
    sb.description = sb.types[(typeof sb.types[sandboxType] !== 'undefined'?sandboxType:'unknown')];

    _s._wD('Flash security sandbox type: ' + sb.type);

    if (sb.type === 'localWithFile') {

      sb.noRemote = true;
      sb.noLocal = false;
      _wDS('secNote', 2);

    } else if (sb.type === 'localWithNetwork') {

      sb.noRemote = false;
      sb.noLocal = true;

    } else if (sb.type === 'localTrusted') {

      sb.noRemote = false;
      sb.noLocal = false;



  this._externalInterfaceOK = function(flashDate, swfVersion) {

flash callback confirming flash loaded, EI working etc. flashDate = approx. timing/delay info for JS/flash bridge swfVersion: SWF build string

    if (_s.swfLoaded) {
      return false;

    var e, eiTime = new Date().getTime();

    _s._wD(_smc+'externalInterfaceOK()' + (flashDate?' (~' + (eiTime - flashDate) + ' ms)':''));
    _debugTS('swf', true);
    _debugTS('flashtojs', true);
    _s.swfLoaded = true;
    _tryInitOnFocus = false;

    if (_isBadSafari) {

complain if JS + SWF build/version strings don’t match, excluding +DEV builds

    if (!swfVersion || swfVersion.replace(/\+dev/i,'') !== _s.versionNumber.replace(/\+dev/i, '')) {

      e = _sm + ': Fatal: JavaScript file build "' + _s.versionNumber + '" does not match Flash SWF build "' + swfVersion + '" at ' + _s.url + '. Ensure both are up-to-date.';

escape flash –> JS stack so this error fires in window.

      setTimeout(function versionMismatch() {
        throw new Error(e);
      }, 0);

exit, init will fail with timeout

      return false;


    if (_isIE) {

IE needs a timeout OR delay until window.onload – may need TODO: investigating

      setTimeout(_init, 100);
    } else {


Private initialization helpers

  _createMovie = function(smID, smURL) {

    if (_didAppend && _appendSuccess) {

ignore if already succeeded

      return false;

    function _initMsg() {
      _s._wD('-- SoundManager 2 ' + _s.version + (!_s.html5Only && _s.useHTML5Audio?(_s.hasHTML5?' + HTML5 audio':', no HTML5 audio support'):'') + (!_s.html5Only ? (_s.useHighPerformance?', high performance mode, ':', ') + (( _s.flashPollingInterval ? 'custom (' + _s.flashPollingInterval + 'ms)' : 'normal') + ' polling') + (_s.wmode?', wmode: ' + _s.wmode:'') + (_s.debugFlash?', flash debug mode':'') + (_s.useFlashBlock?', flashBlock mode':'') : '') + ' --', 1);

    if (_s.html5Only) {

100% HTML5 mode


      _s.oMC = _id(_s.movieID);

prevent multiple init attempts

      _didAppend = true;

      _appendSuccess = true;

      return false;


flash path

    var remoteURL = (smURL || _s.url),
    localURL = (_s.altURL || remoteURL),
    swfTitle = 'JS/Flash audio component (SoundManager 2)',
    oEmbed, oMovie, oTarget = _getDocument(), tmp, movieHTML, oEl, extraClass = _getSWFCSS(),
    s, x, sClass, side = null, isRTL = null,
    html = _doc.getElementsByTagName('html')[0];

    isRTL = (html && html.dir && html.dir.match(/rtl/i));
    smID = (typeof smID === 'undefined'?_s.id:smID);

    function param(name, value) {
      return '<param name="'+name+'" value="'+value+'" />';

safety check for legacy (change to Flash 9 URL)

    _s.url = _normalizeMovieURL(_overHTTP?remoteURL:localURL);
    smURL = _s.url;

    _s.wmode = (!_s.wmode && _s.useHighPerformance ? 'transparent' : _s.wmode);

    if (_s.wmode !== null && (_ua.match(/msie 8/i) || (!_isIE && !_s.useHighPerformance)) && navigator.platform.match(/win32|win64/i)) {

extra-special case: movie doesn’t load until scrolled into view when using wmode = anything but ‘window’ here does not apply when using high performance (position:fixed means on-screen), OR infinite flash load timeout wmode breaks IE 8 on Vista + Win7 too in some cases, as of January 2011 (?)

      _s.wmode = null;

    oEmbed = {
      'name': smID,
      'id': smID,
      'src': smURL,
      'quality': 'high',
      'allowScriptAccess': _s.allowScriptAccess,
      'bgcolor': _s.bgColor,
      'pluginspage': _http+'www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer',
      'title': swfTitle,
      'type': 'application/x-shockwave-flash',
      'wmode': _s.wmode,


      'hasPriority': 'true'

    if (side !== null) {

don’t specify width/height if null.

      oEmbed.width = side;
      oEmbed.height = side;

    if (_s.debugFlash) {
      oEmbed.FlashVars = 'debug=1';

    if (!_s.wmode) {

don’t write empty attribute

      delete oEmbed.wmode;

    if (_isIE) {

IE is “special”.

      oMovie = _doc.createElement('div');
      movieHTML = [
        '<object id="' + smID + '" data="' + smURL + '" type="' + oEmbed.type + '" title="' + oEmbed.title +'" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="' + _http+'download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0" width="' + oEmbed.width + '" height="' + oEmbed.height + '">',
        param('movie', smURL),
        param('AllowScriptAccess', _s.allowScriptAccess),
        param('quality', oEmbed.quality),
        (_s.wmode? param('wmode', _s.wmode): ''),
        param('bgcolor', _s.bgColor),
        param('hasPriority', 'true'),
        (_s.debugFlash ? param('FlashVars', oEmbed.FlashVars) : ''),

    } else {

      oMovie = _doc.createElement('embed');
      for (tmp in oEmbed) {
        if (oEmbed.hasOwnProperty(tmp)) {
          oMovie.setAttribute(tmp, oEmbed[tmp]);


    extraClass = _getSWFCSS();
    oTarget = _getDocument();

    if (oTarget) {

      _s.oMC = (_id(_s.movieID) || _doc.createElement('div'));

      if (!_s.oMC.id) {

        _s.oMC.id = _s.movieID;
        _s.oMC.className = _swfCSS.swfDefault + ' ' + extraClass;
        s = null;
        oEl = null;

        if (!_s.useFlashBlock) {
          if (_s.useHighPerformance) {

on-screen at all times

            s = {
              'position': 'fixed',
              'width': '8px',
              'height': '8px',

= 6px for flash to run fast, >= 8px to start up under Firefox/win32 in some cases. odd? yes.

              'bottom': '0px',
              'left': '0px',
              'overflow': 'hidden'
          } else {

hide off-screen, lower priority

            s = {
              'position': 'absolute',
              'width': '6px',
              'height': '6px',
              'top': '-9999px',
              'left': '-9999px'
            if (isRTL) {
              s.left = Math.abs(parseInt(s.left,10))+'px';

        if (_isWebkit) {

soundcloud-reported render/crash fix, safari 5

          _s.oMC.style.zIndex = 10000;

        if (!_s.debugFlash) {
          for (x in s) {
            if (s.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
              _s.oMC.style[x] = s[x];

        try {
          if (!_isIE) {
          if (_isIE) {
            oEl = _s.oMC.appendChild(_doc.createElement('div'));
            oEl.className = _swfCSS.swfBox;
            oEl.innerHTML = movieHTML;
          _appendSuccess = true;
        } catch(e) {
          throw new Error(_str('domError')+' \n'+e.toString());

      } else {

SM2 container is already in the document (eg. flashblock use case)

        sClass = _s.oMC.className;
        _s.oMC.className = (sClass?sClass+' ':_swfCSS.swfDefault) + (extraClass?' '+extraClass:'');
        if (_isIE) {
          oEl = _s.oMC.appendChild(_doc.createElement('div'));
          oEl.className = _swfCSS.swfBox;
          oEl.innerHTML = movieHTML;
        _appendSuccess = true;



    _didAppend = true;
    _s._wD(_smc+'createMovie(): Trying to load ' + smURL + (!_overHTTP && _s.altURL?' (alternate URL)':''), 1);

    return true;


  _initMovie = function() {

    if (_s.html5Only) {
      return false;

attempt to get, or create, movie may already exist

    if (_flash) {
      return false;

inline markup case

    _flash = _s.getMovie(_s.id);

    if (!_flash) {
      if (!_oRemoved) {

try to create

        _createMovie(_s.id, _s.url);
      } else {

try to re-append removed movie after reboot()

        if (!_isIE) {
        } else {
          _s.oMC.innerHTML = _oRemovedHTML;
        _oRemoved = null;
        _didAppend = true;
      _flash = _s.getMovie(_s.id);

    if (_flash) {

    if (_s.oninitmovie instanceof Function) {
      setTimeout(_s.oninitmovie, 1);

    return true;


  _delayWaitForEI = function() {

    setTimeout(_waitForEI, 1000);


  _waitForEI = function() {

    if (_waitingForEI) {
      return false;

    _waitingForEI = true;
    _event.remove(_win, 'load', _delayWaitForEI);

    if (_tryInitOnFocus && !_isFocused) {

giant Safari 3.1 hack – assume mousemove = focus given lack of focus event

      return false;

    var p;
    if (!_didInit) {
      p = _s.getMoviePercent();
      _s._wD(_str('waitImpatient', (p === 100?' (SWF loaded)':(p > 0?' (SWF ' + p + '% loaded)':''))));

    setTimeout(function() {

      p = _s.getMoviePercent();

      if (!_didInit) {
        _s._wD(_sm + ': No Flash response within expected time.\nLikely causes: ' + (p === 0?'Loading ' + _s.movieURL + ' may have failed (and/or Flash ' + _fV + '+ not present?), ':'') + 'Flash blocked or JS-Flash security error.' + (_s.debugFlash?' ' + _str('checkSWF'):''), 2);
        if (!_overHTTP && p) {
          _wDS('localFail', 2);
          if (!_s.debugFlash) {
            _wDS('tryDebug', 2);
        if (p === 0) {

if 0 (not null), probably a 404.

          _s._wD(_str('swf404', _s.url));
        _debugTS('flashtojs', false, ': Timed out' + _overHTTP?' (Check flash security or flash blockers)':' (No plugin/missing SWF?)');

give up / time-out, depending

      if (!_didInit && _okToDisable) {
        if (p === null) {

SWF failed. Maybe blocked.

          if (_s.useFlashBlock || _s.flashLoadTimeout === 0) {
            if (_s.useFlashBlock) {
          } else {

old SM2 behaviour, simply fail

        } else {

flash loaded? Shouldn’t be a blocking issue, then.

          if (_s.flashLoadTimeout === 0) {
          } else {

    }, _s.flashLoadTimeout);


  _handleFocus = function() {

    function cleanup() {
      _event.remove(_win, 'focus', _handleFocus);
      _event.remove(_win, 'load', _handleFocus);

    if (_isFocused || !_tryInitOnFocus) {
      return true;

    _okToDisable = true;
    _isFocused = true;

    if (_isSafari && _tryInitOnFocus) {
      _event.remove(_win, 'mousemove', _handleFocus);

allow init to restart

    _waitingForEI = false;

    return true;


  _showSupport = function() {

    var item, tests = [];

    if (_s.useHTML5Audio && _s.hasHTML5) {
      for (item in _s.audioFormats) {
        if (_s.audioFormats.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
          tests.push(item + ': ' + _s.html5[item] + (!_s.html5[item] && _hasFlash && _s.flash[item] ? ' (using flash)' : (_s.preferFlash && _s.flash[item] && _hasFlash ? ' (preferring flash)': (!_s.html5[item] ? ' (' + (_s.audioFormats[item].required ? 'required, ':'') + 'and no flash support)' : ''))));
      _s._wD('-- SoundManager 2: HTML5 support tests ('+_s.html5Test+'): '+tests.join(', ')+' --',1);


  _initComplete = function(bNoDisable) {

    if (_didInit) {
      return false;

    if (_s.html5Only) {

all good.

      _s._wD('-- SoundManager 2: loaded --');
      _didInit = true;
      _debugTS('onload', true);
      return true;

    var wasTimeout = (_s.useFlashBlock && _s.flashLoadTimeout && !_s.getMoviePercent()),

    if (!wasTimeout) {
      _didInit = true;
      if (_disabled) {
        error = {type: (!_hasFlash && _needsFlash ? 'NO_FLASH' : 'INIT_TIMEOUT')};

    _s._wD('-- SoundManager 2 ' + (_disabled?'failed to load':'loaded') + ' (' + (_disabled?'security/load error':'OK') + ') --', 1);

    if (_disabled || bNoDisable) {
      if (_s.useFlashBlock && _s.oMC) {
        _s.oMC.className = _getSWFCSS() + ' ' + (_s.getMoviePercent() === null?_swfCSS.swfTimedout:_swfCSS.swfError);
      _processOnEvents({type:'ontimeout', error:error});
      _debugTS('onload', false);
      return false;
    } else {
      _debugTS('onload', true);

    if (_s.waitForWindowLoad && !_windowLoaded) {
      _event.add(_win, 'load', _initUserOnload);
      return false;
    } else {

      if (_s.waitForWindowLoad && _windowLoaded) {


    return true;


  _init = function() {


called after onload()

    if (_didInit) {
      return false;

    function _cleanup() {
      _event.remove(_win, 'load', _s.beginDelayedInit);

    if (_s.html5Only) {
      if (!_didInit) {

we don’t need no steenking flash!

        _s.enabled = true;
      return true;

flash path


    try {


attempt to talk to Flash


apply user-specified polling interval, OR, if “high performance” set, faster vs. default polling (determines frequency of whileloading/whileplaying callbacks, effectively driving UI framerates)

      _setPolling(true, (_s.flashPollingInterval || (_s.useHighPerformance ? 10 : 50)));

      if (!_s.debugMode) {

stop the SWF from making debug output calls to JS


      _s.enabled = true;
      _debugTS('jstoflash', true);

      if (!_s.html5Only) {

prevent browser from showing cached page state (or rather, restoring “suspended” page state) via back button, because flash may be dead http://www.webkit.org/blog/516/webkit-page-cache-ii-the-unload-event/

        _event.add(_win, 'unload', _doNothing);

    } catch(e) {

      _s._wD('js/flash exception: ' + e.toString());
      _debugTS('jstoflash', false);
      _catchError({type:'JS_TO_FLASH_EXCEPTION', fatal:true});

don’t disable, for reboot()


      return false;



disconnect events


    return true;


  _domContentLoaded = function() {

    if (_didDCLoaded) {
      return false;

    _didDCLoaded = true;

Temporary feature: allow force of HTML5 via URL params: sm2-usehtml5audio=0 or 1 Ditto for sm2-preferFlash, too.


      var a = 'sm2-usehtml5audio=', l = _wl.toLowerCase(), b = null,
      a2 = 'sm2-preferflash=', b2 = null, hasCon = (typeof console !== 'undefined' && typeof console.log !== 'undefined');

      if (l.indexOf(a) !== -1) {
        b = (l.charAt(l.indexOf(a)+a.length) === '1');
        if (hasCon) {
          console.log((b?'Enabling ':'Disabling ')+'useHTML5Audio via URL parameter');
        _s.useHTML5Audio = b;

      if (l.indexOf(a2) !== -1) {
        b2 = (l.charAt(l.indexOf(a2)+a2.length) === '1');
        if (hasCon) {
          console.log((b2?'Enabling ':'Disabling ')+'preferFlash via URL parameter');
        _s.preferFlash = b2;


    if (!_hasFlash && _s.hasHTML5) {
      _s._wD('SoundManager: No Flash detected'+(!_s.useHTML5Audio?', enabling HTML5.':'. Trying HTML5-only mode.'));
      _s.useHTML5Audio = true;

make sure we aren’t preferring flash, either TODO: preferFlash should not matter if flash is not installed. Currently, stuff breaks without the below tweak.

      _s.preferFlash = false;

    _s.html5.usingFlash = _featureCheck();
    _needsFlash = _s.html5.usingFlash;

    if (!_hasFlash && _needsFlash) {
      _s._wD('SoundManager: Fatal error: Flash is needed to play some required formats, but is not available.');

TODO: Fatal here vs. timeout approach, etc. hack: fail sooner.

      _s.flashLoadTimeout = 1;

    if (_doc.removeEventListener) {
      _doc.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', _domContentLoaded, false);

    return true;


  _domContentLoadedIE = function() {

    if (_doc.readyState === 'complete') {
      _doc.detachEvent('onreadystatechange', _domContentLoadedIE);

    return true;


  _winOnLoad = function() {

catch edge case of _initComplete() firing after window.load()

    _windowLoaded = true;
    _event.remove(_win, 'load', _winOnLoad);

sniff up-front


focus and window load, init (primarily flash-driven)

  _event.add(_win, 'focus', _handleFocus);
  _event.add(_win, 'load', _handleFocus);
  _event.add(_win, 'load', _delayWaitForEI);
  _event.add(_win, 'load', _winOnLoad);

  if (_isSafari && _tryInitOnFocus) {

massive Safari 3.1 focus detection hack

    _event.add(_win, 'mousemove', _handleFocus);

  if (_doc.addEventListener) {

    _doc.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', _domContentLoaded, false);

  } else if (_doc.attachEvent) {

    _doc.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', _domContentLoadedIE);

  } else {

no add/attachevent support – safe to assume no JS –> Flash either

    _debugTS('onload', false);
    _catchError({type:'NO_DOM2_EVENTS', fatal:true});


  if (_doc.readyState === 'complete') {

DOMReady has already happened.


} // SoundManager()

SM2_DEFER details: http://www.schillmania.com/projects/soundmanager2/doc/getstarted/#lazy-loading

if (typeof SM2_DEFER === 'undefined' || !SM2_DEFER) {
  soundManager = new SoundManager();

SoundManager public interfaces

window.SoundManager = SoundManager; // constructor
window.soundManager = soundManager; // public API, flash callbacks etc.
