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SoundManager 2: Javascript Sound for the Web


Copyright © 2007, Scott Schiller. All rights reserved. Code licensed under the BSD License: http://www.schillmania.com/projects/soundmanager2/license.txt

Flash 8 / ActionScript 2 version

Compiling AS to Flash 8 SWF using MTASC (free compiler – http://www.mtasc.org/): mtasc -swf soundmanager2.swf -main -header 16:16:30 SoundManager2.as -version 8

ActionScript Sound class reference (Macromedia), documentation download: http://livedocs.macromedia.com/flash/8/ Previously-live URL: http://livedocs.macromedia.com/flash/8/main/wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/wwhelp.htm?context=LiveDocs_Parts&file=00002668.html


Flash security allows local OR network access, but not both unless explicitly whitelisted/allowed by the flash player’s security settings.

To enable in-flash messaging for troubleshooting, pass debug=1 in FlashVars (within object/embed code) SM2 will do this by default when soundManager.debugFlash = true.

import flash.external.ExternalInterface; // woo

class SoundManager2 {

  static var app: SoundManager2;

  function SoundManager2() {

    var version = "V2.97a.20120318";
    var version_as = "(AS2/Flash 8)";

Cross-domain security options HTML on foo.com loading .swf hosted on bar.com? Define your “HTML domain” here to allow JS+Flash communication to work. // allowxdomainscripting = true; // xdomain = “foo.com”; For all domains (possible security risk?), use xdomain = “”; which ends up as System.security.allowDomain(“”); When loading from HTTPS, use System.security.allowInsecureDomain(); See “allowDomain (security.allowDomain method)” in Flash 8/AS2 liveDocs documentation (AS2 reference –> classes –> security) download from http://livedocs.macromedia.com/flash/8/ Related AS3 documentation: http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/ActionScriptLangRefV3/flash/system/Security.html#allowDomain%28%29

    var allow_xdomain_scripting = false;
    var xdomain = "*";

    if (allow_xdomain_scripting && xdomain) {
      version_as += ' - cross-domain enabled';

externalInterface references (for Javascript callbacks)

    var baseJSController = "soundManager";
    var baseJSObject = baseJSController + ".sounds";

internal objects

    var sounds = []; // indexed string array
    var soundObjects = []; // associative Sound() object array
    var timer = null;
    var pollingEnabled = false; // polling (timer) flag - disabled by default, enabled by JS->Flash call
    var debugEnabled = true; // Flash debug output enabled by default, disabled by JS call
    var flashDebugEnabled = false; // debug output to flash movie, off by default
    var didSandboxMessage = false;
    var caughtFatal = false;

for flash text output, debugging etc.

    var _messages = [];
    var _messageObj = null;
    flashDebugEnabled = (_root.debug == 1);

display stuffs

    Stage.scaleMode = 'noScale';
    Stage.align = 'TL';

context menu item with version info

    var doNothing = function() {}

    var sm2Menu:ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
    var sm2MenuItem:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem('SoundManager ' + version + ' ' + version_as, doNothing);
    sm2MenuItem.enabled = false;
    _root.menu = sm2Menu;

    var writeDebug = function(s) {

      if (!debugEnabled) return false;
      ExternalInterface.call(baseJSController + "['_writeDebug']", "(Flash): " + s);


    var flashDebug = function(messageText) {

      if (!flashDebugEnabled) {
        return false;
      var sans = new TextFormat();
      sans.size = 12;
      sans.font = "Arial";

320x240 if no stage dimensions (happens in IE, apparently 0 before stage resize event fires.)

      var w = Stage.width?Stage.width:320;
      var h = Stage.height?Stage.height:240;
      if (!_messageObj) {
        _messageObj = _root.createTextField("_messageObj", 0, 0, 0, w, h);
        _messageObj.x = 0;
        _messageObj.y = 0;
        _messageObj.multiline = true;
        _messageObj.html = true;
        _messageObj.wordWrap = true;
        _messageObj.align = 'left';
        _messageObj.autoSize = false;
      _messageObj.htmlText = _messages.join('\n');
      _messageObj.width = w;
      _messageObj.height = h;


    var _externalInterfaceTest = function(isFirstCall) {
      var sandboxType = System.security['sandboxType'];
      try {
        if (isFirstCall) {
          flashDebug('Testing Flash -> JS...')
          if (!didSandboxMessage && sandboxType != 'remote' && sandboxType != 'localTrusted') {
            didSandboxMessage = true;
            flashDebug('<br><b>Fatal: Security sandbox error: Got "' + sandboxType + '", expected "remote" or "localTrusted".<br>Additional security permissions need to be granted.<br>See <a href="http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager04.html">flash security settings panel</a> for non-HTTP, eg. file:// use.</b><br>http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager04.html<br><br>You may also be able to right-click this movie and choose from the menu: <br>"Global Settings" -> "Advanced" tab -> "Trusted Location Settings"<br>');
          var d = new Date();
          ExternalInterface.call(baseJSController + "._externalInterfaceOK", d.getTime(), version);
          if (!didSandboxMessage) {
            flashDebug('Flash -&gt; JS OK');
        } else {
          writeDebug('SM2 SWF ' + version + ' ' + version_as);
          flashDebug('JS -&gt; Flash OK');
          writeDebug('JS to/from Flash OK');
          ExternalInterface.call(baseJSController + "._setSandboxType", sandboxType);
      } catch(e) {
        if (!caughtFatal) {
          caughtFatal = true;
        return false;
      return true; // to verify that a call from JS to here, works. (eg. JS receives "true", thus OK.)

    var _disableDebug = function() {

prevent future debug calls from Flash going to client (maybe improve performance)

      debugEnabled = false;

    var checkProgress = function() {
      var bL = 0;
      var bT = 0;
      var nD = 0;
      var nP = 0;
      var oSound = null;
      for (var i = 0, j = sounds.length; i < j; i++) {
        oSound = soundObjects[sounds[i]];
        bL = oSound.getBytesLoaded();
        bT = oSound.getBytesTotal();
        nD = oSound.duration || 0; // can sometimes be null with short MP3s? Wack.
        nP = oSound.position;
        if (bL && bT && bL != oSound.lastValues.bytes) {
          oSound.lastValues.bytes = bL;
          ExternalInterface.call(baseJSObject + "['" + oSound.sID + "']._whileloading", bL, bT, nD);
        if (typeof nP != 'undefined' && nP != oSound.lastValues.position) {
          oSound.lastValues.position = nP;
          ExternalInterface.call(baseJSObject + "['" + oSound.sID + "']._whileplaying", nP);

if position changed, check for near-end


    var onLoad = function(bSuccess) {
      checkProgress(); // ensure progress stats are up-to-date

force duration update (doesn’t seem to be always accurate)

      ExternalInterface.call(baseJSObject + "['" + this.sID + "']._whileloading", this.getBytesLoaded(), this.getBytesTotal(), this.duration);
      ExternalInterface.call(baseJSObject + "['" + this.sID + "']._onload", this.duration > 0 ? 1 : 0); // bSuccess doesn't always seem to work, so check MP3 duration instead.

    var onID3 = function() {

—– NOTE: BUGGY? —–

TODO: Investigate holes in ID3 parsing – for some reason, Album will be populated with Date if empty and date is provided. (?) ID3V1 seem to parse OK, but “holes” / blanks in ID3V2 data seem to get messed up (eg. missing album gets filled with date.) iTunes issues: onID3 was not called with a test MP3 encoded with iTunes 7.01, and what appeared to be valid ID3V2 data. May be related to thumbnails for album art included in MP3 file by iTunes. See http://mabblog.com/blog/?p=33

      var id3Data = [];
      var id3Props = [];
      for (var prop in this.id3) {

writeDebug(‘id3[’+prop+‘]: ’+this.id3[prop]);

      ExternalInterface.call(baseJSObject + "['" + this.sID + "']._onid3", id3Props, id3Data);

unhook own event handler, prevent second call (can fire twice as data is received – ID3V2 at beginning, ID3V1 at end.) Therefore if ID3V2 data is received, ID3V1 is ignored.

      soundObjects[this.sID].onID3 = null;

    var registerOnComplete = function(sID) {
      soundObjects[sID].onSoundComplete = function() {
        ExternalInterface.call(baseJSObject + "['" + sID + "']._onfinish");

    var _setPosition = function(sID, nSecOffset, isPaused) {
      var s = soundObjects[sID];


      s.lastValues.position = s.position;
      if (s.lastValues.loops > 1 && nSecOffset != 0) {
        writeDebug('Warning: Looping functionality being disabled due to Flash limitation.');
        s.lastValues.loops = 1;
      s.start(nSecOffset, s.lastValues.nLoops || 1); // start playing at new position
      if (isPaused) {

    var _load = function(sID, sURL, bStream, bAutoPlay, bCheckPolicyFile) {

writeDebug(‘_load(): ’+sID+‘, ’+sURL+‘, ’+bStream+‘, ’+bAutoPlay);

      if (typeof bAutoPlay == 'undefined') {
        bAutoPlay = false;
      if (typeof bStream == 'undefined') {
        bStream = true;
      if (typeof bCheckPolicyFile == 'undefined') {
        bCheckPolicyFile = false;

writeDebug(‘bStream: ’+bStream); writeDebug(‘bAutoPlay: ’+bAutoPlay); checkProgress();

      var s = soundObjects[sID];
      s.onID3 = onID3;
      s.onLoad = onLoad;
      s.loaded = true;
      s.checkPolicyFile = bCheckPolicyFile;
      s.loadSound(sURL, bStream);
      if (bAutoPlay != true) {
        s.stop(); // prevent default auto-play behaviour
      } else {
        writeDebug('auto-play allowed');

    var _unload = function(sID, sURL) {

effectively “stop” loading by loading a tiny MP3

      var s = soundObjects[sID];
      s.onID3 = null;
      s.onLoad = null;
      s.loaded = false;

ensure position is reset, if unload fails

      s.loadSound(sURL, true);
      s.stop(); // prevent auto-play

    var _createSound = function(sID, loops, checkPolicyFile) {
      var s = new Sound();
      if (!soundObjects[sID]) {
      soundObjects[sID] = s;
      s.sID = sID;
      s.paused = false;
      s.loaded = false;
      s.checkPolicyFile = checkPolicyFile;
      s.lastValues = {
        bytes: 0,
        position: 0,
        nLoops: loops||1

    var _destroySound = function(sID) {

for the power of garbage collection! .. er, Greyskull!

      var s = (soundObjects[sID] || null);
      if (!s) {
        return false;
      for (var i = 0; i < sounds.length; i++) {
        if (sounds[i] == sID) {
          sounds.splice(i, 1);
      s = null;
      delete soundObjects[sID];

    var _stop = function(sID, bStopAll) {

stop this particular instance (or “all”, based on parameter)

      if (bStopAll) {
      } else {
        soundObjects[sID].paused = false;

    var _start = function(sID, nLoops, nMsecOffset) {

writeDebug(‘_start: ’ + sID + ‘, loops: ’ + nLoops + ‘, nMsecOffset: ’ + nMsecOffset);

      var s = soundObjects[sID];
      s.lastValues.paused = false; // reset pause if applicable
      s.lastValues.nLoops = (nLoops || 1);
      s.start(nMsecOffset, nLoops);

    var _pause = function(sID) {


      var s = soundObjects[sID];
      if (!s.paused) {

reference current position, stop sound

        s.paused = true;
        s.lastValues.position = s.position;

writeDebug(‘_pause(): position: ’+s.lastValues.position);

      } else {

resume playing from last position writeDebug(‘resuming – playing at ’+s.lastValues.position+‘, ’+s.lastValues.nLoops+‘ times’);

        s.paused = false;
        s.start(s.lastValues.position / 1000, s.lastValues.nLoops);

    var _setPan = function(sID, nPan) {

    var _setVolume = function(sID, nVol) {

    var _setPolling = function(bPolling, timerInterval) {
      if (typeof timerInterval === 'undefined') {
        timerInterval = 50;
      pollingEnabled = bPolling;
      if (timer == null && pollingEnabled) {
        writeDebug('Enabling polling, ' + timerInterval + ' ms interval');
        timer = setInterval(checkProgress, timerInterval);
      } else if (timer && !pollingEnabled) {
        writeDebug('Disabling polling');
        timer = null;

    var _init = function() {

OK now stuff should be available

      try {
        flashDebug('Adding ExternalInterface callbacks...');
        ExternalInterface.addCallback('_load', this, _load);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback('_unload', this, _unload);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback('_stop', this, _stop);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback('_start', this, _start);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback('_pause', this, _pause);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback('_setPosition', this, _setPosition);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback('_setPan', this, _setPan);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback('_setVolume', this, _setVolume);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback('_setPolling', this, _setPolling);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback('_externalInterfaceTest', this, _externalInterfaceTest);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback('_disableDebug', this, _disableDebug);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback('_createSound', this, _createSound);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback('_destroySound', this, _destroySound);
      } catch(e) {
        flashDebug('Fatal: ExternalInterface error: ' + e.toString());

try to talk to JS, do init etc.


flashDebug(‘Init OK’);


    flashDebug('SM2 SWF ' + version + ' ' + version_as);

    if (ExternalInterface.available) {
      flashDebug('ExternalInterface available');
    } else {

d'oh! – may be from a corrupt install, ancient (pre-Netscape 6?) browser etc.

      flashDebug('Fatal: ExternalInterface (Flash &lt;-&gt; JS) not available');

  } // SoundManager2()

entry point

  static function main(mc) {
    app = new SoundManager2();
